Nationalfeiertag 1. Agustfeier im Honora Zen Kloster in der Schweiz

Swiss National Day

Grüezi and welcome to the original and rustic Honora Zen monastery. We celebrate the August 1st celebration and celebrate the Swiss National …

Weihnachtsbraten im Honora Zen Kloster mit Abt Reding als Klosterkoch (Tenzo)

Tenzo – Christmas Roast

Abbot Reding (Zen monk) from the Honora Zen monastery in Switzerland, as the monastery cook (Jap. Tenzo 典座), prepares the Christmas roast …

Abt Zen Mönch Marcel Reding gründete das Honora Zen Kloster in der Schweiz

Welcome to the monastic training at the rustic Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. To become a monk means to sacrifice one owns life and death. → 22. March 2022

Honora Zen Kloster Meditationszentrum in der Schweiz

Swiss Alphorn Meditation

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Swiss Alphorn Meditation.

MedizinStein Podcast mit Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) vom Honora Zen Kloster in der Schweiz

Master of Ceremonies – MC

Master of Ceremonies (MC) Abbot Reding (zen monk) guides you through the ceremony. Ceremony – Master of Ceremonies The ceremony with abbot …

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – Beauty and Art

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Beauty and Art

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – All Saints Day

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. All saints day

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – Graveyard

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Graveyard

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – Cemetery

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Meditation at the cemetery

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – Merry Christmas

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Merry Christmas

Abt Reding (Zen Mönch) Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz Meditation

Dharma – Christmas

Abbot Reding welcomes you to the Dharma online talk of the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland. Christmas

Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz

Eremita Zen Temple – Switzerland

Zen Master Father Reding founded the Eremita zen temple (est. 2015) in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. A place for meditation, contemplation, monastic training and …

Honora Zen Kloster Schweiz

Zen Order of Switzerland

Zen Master Abbot Reding founded in 2014 the Insopor Zen Academy in Switzerland. The zen order of Switzerland preserves and carries on …

Zen Mönch Abt Reding im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Zen Order

The Honora zen monastery part of the Zen Order of Switzerland. Founded by Zen master Father Reding.

evening funeral in the forest with abbot reding
evening funeral in the forest with abbot reding
evening funeral in the forest with abbot reding

Funeral Service in the forest

Abbot Reding led the farewell ceremony in the woods around Wetzikon. The burial in the forest was carried out with a procession …

Abbot Reding swiss zen monk from the Honora Zen Monastery is your funeral orator
Abbot Reding swiss zen monk from the Honora Zen Monastery is your funeral orator
Abbot Reding swiss zen monk from the Honora Zen Monastery is your funeral orator

Funeral Service Switzerland

Your funeral orator Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery organizes the funeral service, sacred and spiritually according to your wishes.

Funeral Speaker Abbot Reding (zen monk) Aargau

Thurgau – Funeral Service

Thurgau funeral Service: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will gladly guide you through the funeral ceremony in the canton of …

Christmas at the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland with Abbot Reding


At Christmas, the celebration of family, love and the logos. We focus on the star on the tree, the good, that guides …

Lake Como Wedding Speaker Zen Monk Marcel Reding at the Palazzo Gallio in Italy

Entry of the Bride

The entry of the Bride marks the beginning of the wedding ceremony. As your wedding speaker, Abbot Reding from the Honora zen …

Lake Como Wedding Speaker Zen Monk Marcel Reding at the Palazzo Gallio in Italy

Family Name – Marriage

Which name should be the family name? Wedding Celebrant Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery from Switzerland welcomes you to reexamine …

Abbot Reding (zen monk) funeral speaker Thurgau Romanshorn

The Holy Bible

The Bible. The logos. The old testament – The Bible The five books of Moses: The book of Genesis The book of …

wedding celebrant abbot reding (zen monk) Switzerland

Wedding Celebrant Switzerland

As your wedding celebrant in Switzerland, Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will guide you through the wedding ceremony.

Abbot Reding Wedding Speaker Switzerland

Destination Wedding Switzerland

Your Destination Wedding Switzerland. As your wedding celebrant Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery in Switzerland will gladly guide you through …

Wedding Ceremony Switzerland

Wedding Ceremony Switzerland

Your wedding speaker Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery will gladly guide you through your wedding ceremony in Switzerland.

Symbolic Wedding Switzerland Abbot Reding

Symbolic Wedding Switzerland

Your wedding speaker Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will gladly guide you through your symbolic wedding in Switzerland. Contact us …

funeral speaker zen monk zurich

Zurich – Funeral Service

Zurich Funeral Service: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will guide you through the funeral ceremony according to your wishes.

your funeral speaker schwyz zen monk marcel reding

Schwyz Funeral Service

Schwyz Funeral Service: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will guide you through the funeral ceremony according to your wishes.

abt Reding trauerredner schweiz st. gallen im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

St Gallen Funeral Service

St Gallen Funeral Service: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will guide you through the funeral according to your wishes. Contact …

Meditation im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Schaffhausen Funeral Service

Schaffhausen Funeral Service: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery will guide you through the funeral according to your wishes. Contact us …

Bergbestattung Schweiz mit Trauerredner Abt Reding im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Funeral Service Glarus

Funeral Service Glarus: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery in Switzerland will be happy to guide you through the funeral according …

Hochzeitsredner Zen Mönch Marcel Reding im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Zurich Wedding Speaker

Your zurich wedding speaker, Zen monk Marcel Reding from the Honora zen monastery in Switzerland, will be happy to guide you through …

Hochzeitsredner Sarnen Abt Reding im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Lucerne Wedding Speaker

Lucerne wedding speaker: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery from Switzerland will guide you through your wedding ceremony according to your …

Hochzeitsredner Zen Mönch Marcel Reding Meditation im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Liechtenstein Wedding Speaker

Liechtenstein Wedding Speaker: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery in Switzerland, will be happy to guide you through your wedding ceremony …

Zen Mönch Abt Reding im Meditationszentrum Honora Zen Kloster mit Zen Mönch Abt Reding

Wedding Speaker – Baden Württemberg

Your wedding speaker Baden Württemberg: Abbot Reding from the Honora zen monastery in Switzerland guides you through your wedding ceremony. Contact us …