Koan & Mysticism – The ZEN paradox is the bridge from the I to the SELF – The religious transformation and mystical experience

In ZEN, people often meditate with paradoxical questions (Koan, Hwadu). These are statements or actions of the Master. They consist mainly of questions that are presented in the form of anecdotes.

Zen & Logos - The word that awakens my soul!

Zen Meditation with these paradoxical questions (Koan, Hwadu) aims at a breakthrough of a consciousness limited by the I-form into the non-I-like self. The paradox forms the bridge from the I to the self. An experience of religious transformation and a mystical experience, with its preliminary stages consisting of “letting go” and “emptying images and ideas”.

In the beginning was the Word, and the living Word was with God, and the Logos was God. If you understand that there is no way to say it, then you should know how to say it, because in the beginning was the Word.

(Zen Master Pohwa Sunim)

Zen Koan-Collection

