The Lord’s Prayer – Without God, our life is meaningless and aimless – Without him, everyone fights against everyone else

The Lord's Prayer from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). Always has been, and always will be.

NB: Men and women are equal because the animus is meant in each of us. In men the animus (the masculine) is larger relative to the anima (the feminine) and in the woman it is vice versa. This can be more easily illustrated as a ying-yang symbol.

A Worship Hour

The Lord's Prayer is the crown of all prayers, a seven-colored rainbow that builds the bridge from earth to heaven, a string game with seven strings that weaves wondrous melodies into the workday life and into the Sunday celebrations of mankind.

Opening Prayer

Lord and God! You taught us to pray through your Son Jesus Christ. You know that prayer is often difficult for us. It should be a pleasure for us, and yet we don't always find the right way to do it. It should be a need for us, and yet we have to fight for it. Often it is pride that does not let us pray, often lukewarmness and laziness, often we lack the courage to think about our sins. Now we want to get back to the school of prayer.

We want to learn to pray again with the right trust, out of strong faith and with a happy heart from that glorious prayer that your son himself prayed before us and gave us as an example. Lord, teach us to pray! So we ask as the apostles asked the Master. Amen.

Our Father Who Art In Heaven

The Lord lets us begin with a wonderful salutation. We are allowed to say "Father" to God. A truth is already expressed with a short word, which can make a whole world happy and joyful. God, the infinite, mighty and almighty Lord of the world, whose word suffices for suns to be kindled and quenched, Worlds come into being and pass away, new life comes and develops according to its measure and plan, God, before whom heaven and earth are like dust on the sun - he is our father!

So much happiness and comfort is in that word! We can talk to him like children talk to their father. We are sure that he understands us. The father always has an ear for the pleas of his children. And if we are husbands and fathers and superiors ourselves, how glad we are that we too have a Father in heaven, that we too can still be children before him. But that first word tells us much more! God is the father of all people.

He taught everyone to pray like this; so he excludes no one from his fatherly love. It includes good and bad, believer and unbeliever. And if we are all to call him father, then we are all brothers. Children and old people, men and young men, workers and masters, masters and servants, they should all lift up their hands to their father. Only he who is truly a brother to his fellow man can sincerely say "Our Father". So we can only utter this word if we honor all his children and hate not a single one of them.

Let us pray!

Our Father who art in heaven, accept our sincere thanks! We may call you father, whom heaven and earth cannot contain, in whose hand all power rests, whose word the universe obeys. You have all fatherly authority over us. And in you is all fatherly love. Because you are our father, you know us all. We may complain to you of our distress, show you our happiness, as children do. Give us holy fathers! Fathers in your image and example! Fathers who have you for a father, who are made in the image of God to their children.

Because you are all men father, make all men brothers! You haven't forgotten anyone, you refuse to help anyone, they are all dear to you and valuable to you. Send this spirit of brotherhood to masters and servants, to masters and workers, to rich and poor, to young and old. May all find themselves with you, the Father of all who is in heaven. Amen. our father Hail Mary, Glory be.

Blessed Be Your Name

At the head of all requests the divine Master places the sanctification of the name of God. God, from whom we have everything, to whose glory we were created, shall be praised and glorified by every mouth. Let all know that he is the holy, the merciful, the inscrutable, the benefactor and saviour. If the glorious sky, the wonderful nature, every creature bears the mark of God and thus praises their Creator, then people should praise him all the more. They recognize him as their Lord and God. We have been baptized in his divine name. He is at the beginning of our life.

In his name we are cleansed from our sins when the priest absolves us in that name. And his name must be at the end of our lives when he decrees our deaths. And everything we do is only good if it's done in his name. Because especially in the church his name is worthily praised and sanctified, may the world know that the homeland of all people is there. There we want to praise and praise him, the Father in heaven, where he dwells among men, where his priests are, where the holy fountains of grace flow and where his word is taught.

Let us pray!

Lord of heaven and earth! Holy, holy, holy are you, God of rulers! You are the creator of the world, the ruler and master of all things. All creatures spring from your almighty hand and your loving heart. Wonderful is this work, a glorious testimony of your divine wisdom. Everything you have created is created for your praise and glory. The heavens announce the glory of the Lord, the earth announces your power and glory. Sanctified and praised, praised and adored are you, O Lord, by us, your unworthy sons. In you alone is our salvation, from you alone comes our salvation, in you alone we hope utterly. Your holy name is invoked upon us by the holy sign of baptism.

We have committed ourselves to your name with a holy oath. So should our word and our deed praise and honor you, our Lord, boldly and joyfully before the whole world. Let the world know that you are the Lord and Creator, the Merciful and Saviour, the Rewarder of good and the Punisher of evil. The knees should bow before you, before our common father and God. Your holy catholic church is a dear home for us, because you are with her. There shall our praise glorify you, our prayers rise up to you, where your priests sacrifice, where your word teaches us. Glory to you and glory forever! Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary. glory be.

Your Kingdom Come To Us

Jesus Christ came to establish the kingdom of God on earth. Not only heaven is God's kingdom. It must also be the earth. In Holy Baptism we became citizens, in Confirmation we became adults of this kingdom. That was the work of Jesus Christ on earth, that all people become citizens of this kingdom, that the divine laws of this kingdom are proclaimed to everyone and observed by everyone, that everyone experiences the benefits of this kingdom. It is the kingdom of light and truth that always has to fight against the kingdom of darkness on earth. The kingdom of love versus the kingdom of hate and sin.

The kingdom of grace versus the kingdom of violence and selfishness. This kingdom of God comes to us and is in us when we are in the grace of God, when we keep His commandments, when God is our King. That is why we ask in this second petition that God be king over all the world. That he may be recognized as Lord and Master of all people, that we help to spread his kingdom over all the world.

Without God, our life is meaningless and aimless. Without God, mankind must fall into the evil kingdom. Without him, it is a battle of all against all. But with him, and in his kingdom, our life acquires meaning and purpose; the kingdom of heaven.

With him and in his kingdom we can achieve what is truly good and holy, that the world will have peace, because his kingdom is a kingdom of peace and he is the king of peace.

Let us pray!

Your holy kingdom, O heavenly Father, come to us on earth! Your divine light illuminates our darkness! You teach the truth as we seek, you teach the kindness we need, you give the grace that makes us holy. This is your kingdom, that we are children of God, your happy subjects. You as King care for us as no one can care for us. You watch over the safety of our souls, over the greatest and most sacred asset we have here on earth. Be king over us! Your kingdom come to us!

We are constantly fighting the evil empire. Jesus Christ defeated it. We too want to conquer it in its power. Give us victory over all bad thoughts, evil desires, selfishness and obstinacy. Send your divine peace, which dwells in your kingdom, so that the earth may reflect your heavenly kingdom, in which you live and reign forever and ever. Amen. our father Ave Maria. glory be.

Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven

What God wants is good. For in God there is supreme wisdom and supreme goodness. He knows us all better than we know ourselves. He knows our circumstances and our need, our strength and our weakness. He is the signpost for every good path, the adviser for every doubt, the helper for all who are weak. His goodness only wants what is best for us. Even when he chastises and punishes us.

For he is just and his will is holy. But not those who say "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do his will. God reveals his will to us often and in many ways. He has it proclaimed in the church, he speaks through our conscience, he speaks to us through the laws of nature. We must recognize and fulfill this will. It is not the path of convenience, but the path of sacrifice. Jesus Christ fulfilled the will of his father up to the terrible death on the cross. This is our example.

The father does not want words, but deeds and proofs. As the angels do His will in heaven, so it shall be done on earth: without doubt, without hesitation, out of love for the Father and trust in his wisdom and goodness, even if we cannot understand it.

Let us pray!

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! How holy is your will, O God! You want nothing else than that we all become holy too. You don't want a single person to perish. Even the sinner should not die, but be converted and live. But your will is often a mystery to us. We don't understand him and we grow weak and faltering in faith. Teach us, O Lord, to do Thy will faithfully! You are wisdom itself, goodness, love, justice. Who could doubt that you want our best? Who could mean better to us than you?

You sent us your son to redeem us in death. He opened our eyes to your will, he is the light of blind humanity. He opened your source of grace to us, through which we can become holy. Let us recognize these means of salvation, the right rule of life, the guide to truth, the church as herald of your commandments. Give us not only good will, but also accomplishment, the good deed. Your holy angels best do your will. You gave them to us as guardian angels. We want to listen to their admonition, so that your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Amen. our father Ave Maria. Honor be.

Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

Through Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father taught us, "Your Father knows that you need food and drink and clothing." God, who gives every plant and animal its nourishment and grants its protection, will certainly not forget us, for whom everything else was created. We too join with the voice of all creatures that cry out to God: Give us today our daily bread. Only heathens and unbelievers can worry with fear about what to eat, what to drink, what to clothe themselves with.

Anyone who knows and believes that God is the benevolent Father cannot doubt that the request for daily bread will be fulfilled. However, not the request for excess. He will give us our daily bread, as much as each day needs. We can certainly trust that. For our temperance should not be in danger of wasting. If we ask like this, then we must not shy away from work and diligence; but we must pray that God will bless this work and industry, and then we may be of good cheer.

Then it will be fulfilled in us that we seek the kingdom of God first, and everything else will be given to us. By honest, hard, and industrious work, by moderation, and orderly care, we make ourselves receptive to divine blessing. So no one can doubt that God will hear us.

Let us pray!

Kind Father in Heaven! From your hand we received life, body and soul, so that we could take care of both. Worrying about our physical life is so difficult for many. They have to work hard every day to earn the bread they need for their wives and children. You know that, oh god. You see our effort and work, our diligence and our effort. Hear our plea as we pray for the daily bread. You want us to beg for it yourself. So we come to you with great trust and ask for our daily bread.

Bless our work, give us all enough merit so that we can live our lives with a simple standard of living, in healthy moderation. If we seek the kingdom of God first, then you have promised us everything else about it. We trust and build on this promise. Teach us simple moderation, teach us contentment with daily bread, let us abhor waste and excess. But we ask you not only for ourselves, but also for our suffering fellow human beings.

Give them all faith in your fatherly goodness, faith in your providence, the right purpose in life. Don't let them give up worrying about earthly things, but open everyone's eyes to you and to everything that leads to you, who are the happiness and joy of all people. Amen. our father Ave Maria. glory be.

Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors

So far we have asked for gifts. About spiritual and earthly values. From now on we ask for the averting of evils, both spiritual and earthly. We find the courage to do this when we go to the suffering Savior. When we see that He gave His own divine Son to be an Atonement that our debts might be forgiven. When we ask forgiveness for our sins, we must first recognize them ourselves. In all openness and honesty. For our sins are open before God. If you think you don't need to confess your sins, you're fooling yourself.

There is hardly a day when we can go before God in the evening with a clear and clear conscience, free from mistakes and guilt. And often we even have to admit that the inclination to sin has become even greater, and the air for good has become even weaker. But God sets a condition for the forgiveness of our sins: First, we should forgive those who are indebted to us. Because if we hate those who hate us, then we cannot expect forgiveness from him. Nor when we offend those who have offended us.

Therefore, our forgiveness and forgiving is a prerequisite for God's forgiveness. Therefore we ask at the same time that thoughts of hatred, revenge, enmity and malicious joy do not seize us, because otherwise the blood of the Redeemer would have flowed for us in vain. We wouldn't be worthy of him.

Let us pray!

Merciful Father in Heaven! Now let's step under the cross of Christ! Let's see what he must suffer for our sins. What terrible torment he bears for us! And all with one goal in mind: the forgiveness of our sins. In your divine love you have done everything. It is up to us now to truly recognize our sins, in all their depth and wickedness, to confess them before you with repentance, humility and sincerity. Accept our confession graciously! Through our sins we have earned your wrath. But you have mercy on us.

We have brought just punishment on ourselves, but you come like a doctor of the soul. We have been ungrateful to you, but you yield to the lost Lamb and deliver it from the thorns. Forgive us our debts! Make us clean and good! We also forgive our debtors. This is to let the world know that we are your disciples, that we love one another. Teach us this heavy love of forgiveness! As your son forgave the executioners on the cross, so we too want to learn to forgive. We ask, O Lord, that you wanted to give us the male power to do so. Amen. our father Ave Maria. glory be.

Lead Us In Temptation

The power of evil is terrible. It is not felt by those who do not care about their own improvement and healing, but by those who strive to live according to the law of God. The devil that roams about like a lion looking for someone to devour is an uncanny power. His courage is indomitable, and his hatred of all that is good is without measure. Only those who also know this truth really know life. No man is safe from temptation.

The best least of all. The devil brought the prince of the apostles, St. Peter, to the point of denying his Lord and Master for fear of a handmaid, and only one apostle remained under the cross. No one can feel safe there, except for those whom he already has safely in his power. But we have great security against all the power and cunning of Satan. He can do nothing unless God allows it. And God will not allow anyone to be tempted beyond his strength. He never wants a man to fall into sin, but he wants his strength to be tested, his courage strengthened, and thereby his soul made valuable and precious.

And so we do not ask for protection from all temptations, but for strength in danger, for help in the soul's need, for correct self-knowledge in the fight against the evil enemy. In this way we become strong enough to carry the heavy cross up the mountain, no matter how often it tries to press us to the ground.

Let us pray!

Strong helper in need! Our lives are open to you. You also know how easily we succumb to danger. How often the temptation is strongest when we have made the best resolutions. How often have we been disappointed in ourselves! How many good intentions have already perished! The temptation was stronger than our resistance. You, O Lord, have allowed the evil enemy to tempt us. And you have given us the example of how to meet him. Let's not forget the power of evil. Let's not underestimate his hatred.

Let us never forget how weak we are at all times, weakest when we feel most secure. A thousand ways to sin open up to us every day. We carry our soul in fragile vessels. But you know all that. You never want sin, you only want our best. Through temptation strengthen us! Strengthen our courage through danger! Through the trial give us the power of resistance! You are always with us, you mighty protector of all people. Give us a watchful eye, an ever ready prayer, a strong trust in you.

Because yours is the victory over all evil, you are the victorious leader of the people who has conquered the world. Whoever wins with your help will have everything in the end. Amen. our father Ave Maria. glory be.

But Deliver Us From Evil

The last request that the Lord teaches us to pray is the summary of all the others. Jesus himself made this request to his father on behalf of the apostles when he took leave of them: "I beg you, keep them from evil." Need teaches prayer. Some found the Lord God only in times of need. And some have lost it because things have been too good for them on earth. But prayer in times of need is only the lowest level. When we pray for salvation from all evil, it is that we worship God the Redeemer, and that the more firmly we fix our hope and trust in Him.

We should certainly pray to God that he will avert disease, hunger, war and want from us, that he will deliver us from slander, persecution, fire and storms. But worse than all this is sin, deception, apostasy, and all wickedness. These are the real evils of the world. It was only with this that all the others swept over us. We can endure any kind of adversity and hardship that God sends us.

He knows our powers. And we should not only wear them equanimously, but joyfully, because they make us pure and strong. But not allowed to wear like sin and wickedness. We must muster all the power of resistance that we are capable of, together with the power of God's grace, against it. We alone are too weak. So we ask our Father in heaven to deliver us from all evil.

Let us pray!

Merciful father! To you alone we can cry: "Deliver us from all evil!" You alone know what is good and wholesome for us, you know what burdens we are able to bear and what we should succumb to. You know the misery of the poor who are struggling for the bare necessities, the pain of the sick who would rather die, the misfortune of the sorely tried, for whom the forces of nature have destroyed the work of their hands.

You know the plight of widows and orphans, of the mocked and slandered, of the starving and freezing. You alone in your wisdom can appreciate what all this is good for. We pray with Jesus on the Mount of Olives: "Father, let this cup pass from me, but not my will, but yours be done!" But may you always protect us from one evil, from the evil of sin! Save, Heavenly Father, the innocent children from the first sin! Protect them from seducers and from bad example! Lead back all who have fallen into sin and rip the bad habits out of their hearts! You want to break all blindness of spirit, all stubbornness and unteachability, all proud resistance to your kindness.

Heal all fickleness and all lukewarmness, all lack of character and all instability, all bad air and lust, O Redeemer from all evil! And when the cross is waiting for us, when it stands by the wayside every day, then show us your cross-bearing Son, our Lord and Master!

Show us the example of so many men and women made holy and good under the Cross. Let us join their ranks so that we may walk with them on the way of the cross, which leads us with your Son to true salvation from all evil. Amen. our father Ave Maria. glory be.

Final Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven! In your goodness you taught us to pray. You are like a warming fire that glows through the cold soul. You enlightened our minds in prayer, won our hearts for you, bestowed on us priceless gifts. Make strong and firm what you have worked in us. Through the Lord's prayer we recognize our weakness. But we do not fear them, because you are with us. And may all dangers await us, we place our lives in your hands. There we are safe and secure.

"Behold, God is my Saviour, and the Lord is my life's protector!" So we say the "Amen" at the end, because you have our torn spirit, which lets itself be distracted by many things. See our good will, which wanted to speak to you in devout and collected prayer. Heavenly Father, may you grant our requests that your Son taught us to pray. In him and through him be praise and thanks and honor to you for all eternity! Amen.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Blessed be your name,

Your kingdom come to us.

Your will be done, as it is in heaven, so also on earth,

Give us today our daily bread,

Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,

Lead us in temptation,

And deliver us from evil.