Tibetan Buddhism – The Yogi Milarepa was a Tibetan Patriarch and was very influential!

The Yogi Milarepa (1040 - 1123) was a Tibetan patriarch and was very influential in Tibetan Buddhism today.

I bow at the feet of the Holy Master. Thanks to my merit, I was able to meet the Master and have now come to the place where my Master spoke of His prophecies. I am happy in the radiant clear meditation on the open mind. Extremely fortunate that the apparitions never cease and become happier the greater the ups and downs of experience. I am happy in my existence, free from bad karma.

Expresses happiness at any kind of chaos, becoming happier the wilder the terrifying apparitions are. I am happy with the simultaneous appearance and disappearance of the disturbed feelings. Expresses happiness at any increase in danger, and even happier when I'm not ill. I am happy because I experience suffering as happiness. I am extremely happy with the experience of the exercises and even happier with jumping, running and dancing.

I am happy with my language, a treasure trove of spontaneously created songs. Extremely happy with the melody of sung words and even happier when I can accrue merit from it. I am happy in the space of my brave and strong spirit. Extremely happy with whatever spontaneously presents itself and getting happier as more appears.

The yogi's blissful experiences are his welcome gift upon meeting his devoted children.

The Disciples' Song - Tibetan Buddhism


My master, you are a buddha and one with the law. You show the infallible path to liberation. And your compassionate actions bring blessings to sentient beings. Inseparable from me you dwell as my grain jewel. You students present here; the sacred law can be practiced in many ways. It is particularly good for those who practice the profound path. If you want to attain Buddhahood in one lifetime, you should not let your selfishness become too strong.

When you are overwhelmed by it, you commit many days, good and bad, and fall into the lower realms. If you render services to the teacher, you should not pride yourself too much on it. Otherwise you disciples will become dissatisfied with the master. If this happens, the strenuous goal cannot be achieved.

If you want to keep your oaths and vows, you should not sleep in the villages of the laity. Otherwise you will develop bad habits. When this happens, you ruin your promises. When you disciples pursue studies, do not be too proud of mere words. Otherwise the extinguished fire of the five poisons will be kindled again.


When rekindled, it interferes with the desire for virtuous practice. When meditating with friends, don't get caught up in all sorts of things, or you'll get distracted from the profound practice. If you are distracted, you will be cut off from the blessing of God's teaching. When you practice methods of oral tradition, do not use their blessings to banish demons.

Otherwise your own spirit will rise as a demon, and you will become proficient only in performing village rituals. If you have spiritual experiences and insights, do not arrogantly say that you have psychic perceptions. Otherwise you ruin the secret sign language.

When this is lost, the good qualities, the signs of the spiritual path, diminish. Have you seen these mistakes, let them be! Don't do anything bad and don't eat smuggled food. Don't carry away an estate stamped with the dead. Do not make flattering speeches, be humble and also stand on your own two feet.


The Song - Tibetan Buddhism

"Master, please tell us how to stand on our own two feet," said the nuns, to which he responded with this song:

I pray to my kind Master! Grant your blessings to the beggar so that he may be happy in his practice. You young students, newcomers to meditation. In places full of deceit, full of good and bad consequences, as children you were not cut off from the blessings and heard the teaching. Haven't lost yourselves on wrong paths and met me.

You have been able to practice meditation because you have accumulated much merit, and you have brought about spiritual experiences and realizations with Master's blessings. Just bringing them up is useless, you have to stand firmly on your own two feet.

I give you these instructions on how to become self-reliant with love, so listen carefully!

If you live in the solitude of the mountains, don't think about the pleasures of the towns. Otherwise the devils will scatter the spirit. Turn the mind inward and you will stand firmly on your own two feet. If you want to develop steadfastness in meditation, realize how uncertain the time of death is. And remember the unsatisfactory nature of the cycle of existence.

Have no wish for happiness in this life. If you learn to take on difficulties, you will stand firmly on your own two feet. When you have received profound teachings on meditation, do not strive for knowledge and learning, otherwise you will only seek village rituals. With such kind of efficiency you waste your human life pointlessly.

Exercise modest restraint and you will stand firmly on your own feet. When various spiritual experiences and realizations arise, do not fall into the conceit of wanting to talk about them. Otherwise the angels will become angry. Meditate without distractions and you will stand firmly on your own two feet. When you are with the master, do not examine what strengths and weaknesses he has, otherwise you will see innumerable faults in him.

Practice pure perception and you will stand firmly on your own two feet. When you receive meditative empowerments along with brothers (monks) and sisters (nuns), don't wish to sit up front and know everything better. Otherwise, attraction and aversion will violate your oath. Be harmonious with each other, so you will stand firmly on your own two feet.

When you go to the towns for almsround, do not deceive people with false teachings, otherwise you will fall into the lower realms. Act straight and you will stand firmly on your own two feet. Never be smug and selfish or you will become blase idols. Give up lying and deceit and you will remain independent within.

For people who want to become internally independent, I give these instructions on how to stand on their own two feet. I give it to you for your own benefit and that of others, keep this gift in your heart.



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