Fathers and Mothers – Decline of the Family – Civil War between Men and Women!

Dear Fathers, dear Mothers,

As a young man I went into the dark forest. Far, far from home. With my teachers and masters I have fought dragons and freed spirits. After ten years in the monastery I was sent back to the marketplace.

Back as a mendicant, an ugly frog, I found a princess who kissed me. And we got a present from god, a child. We slowly built up a small place. A home. A small monastery for the people.


The abbot of a monastery is called "father". And that's the point. When the first child was given to us, I also became a worldly father. Boys and girls, men and women. What does that mean? This means that we are all potential mothers and fathers.

When my wife was pregnant with our child, the father slowly grew in me too. The seed of fatherhood grew simultaneously with the child. We are connected. Our child, which slowly grows up in the mother. Mothers and fathers, a child is a gift. We both make sure that the children are doing well and that they have the courage to go out into the world and become mothers and fathers themselves.

And now comes the hard part.

Our society tells us that fathers have no value. In the first three months, my wife could have destroyed our child, my child, without me, as the father, having had the opportunity to do anything legally against it. It shocked me that at the beginning of a human life our society considers us fathers to be worthless. Every man is a potential father. Every woman is a potential mother. Whenever we meet a child, we have this role. The beginning of man is crucial, because everything else builds on it.

When our society says from the start that the father has nothing to say, that the father is worthless, it means to us men and women that we shouldn't take any responsibility. It's a sad thing.

While we are still in the womb, we clarify whether we want this child that way. If it's sick or disabled, we don't want it. Whatever the parents feel and think, the child is shaped in this environment. But man is not a product. "Only if it's the way I want it, then I'll take it," is our attitude. We tell the child; "If you're not what I want, we would have killed you." But actually we have never seen the child. It shows how we see ourselves. Your own shadow is negated and you become a walking time bomb.

Civil War - Woman vs Man

It's a fatherless society. But without a father there is no mother. And without a mother, no father either. It is one and together. Everyone is screaming for equality. Equality of outcome. Absolute nonsense. But everyone wants to be equal. Equality of outcome is not equality of opportunity.

To all of you, mothers and fathers, we are not equal before the law. Fathers and mothers are not equal before the law. We see what happens in a fatherless society. There are no mothers. Because that belongs together. And the children? It's all about vainglory. A fatherless society creates selfish narcissists.

As the father of my child, our child, I have no way of protecting my child by law in the first three months of its life. Our society tells our young men and women that you are worthless as father and husband. I don't need you. The kids don't need you. It hurts my heart.

Factual error - Fathers and Mothers

For 40, 50 years we have been chasing after the Land of Cockaigne. We have praised sex without consequences as freedom. But what happened. All families are destroyed. The factual error of men and women means that equality of opportunity is confused with equality of outcome. No matter what we do under these circumstances, it has exactly the opposite result. Sex but no more intimacy. Intimacy no longer exists.

Intimacy, which expresses itself in sexuality and signifies the beginning of a human, has been lost. We want sex without consequences. Sexuality is the beginning of human life and therefore it needs the greatest possible responsibility. But we want sex without consequences. And this is how we treat ourselves and our children. We want human life without responsibility (consequences).

Man is the beginning. It starts there. And right from the start we don't want any responsibility. Mothers and fathers, children want confidence that they will get what they need and have the courage to do something with it in the world. These are the duties of mothers and fathers.

It's not good. That our children are worthless. You and me we are families. Mothers, what fathers do you want for your children? This is how you select a Husband. Men, what women do you want? Men, what mothers do you want for your children? Being together and taking responsibility together. Women, mothers, what men do you need? What fathers do you need for your children? It takes both, but before the law, at the beginning where everything else is built upon, we are not entitled to be fathers. You can't skip the foundation.

Children are a gift. And children need fathers and mothers. But our laws say men are worthless. As fathers, they have no right to care for their children and to protect their children.

What are parents? Mother and father are one. The fatal consequences of a fatherless society and single mothers. Is that what we want?

Zen Order Switzerland

Father and Mother - Family Reding