The spoiled Gods – Narrow Minded and Pride – They are not free from suffering and death and are still subject to suffering!

The form of existence as gods is not redemption. They too are not free from suffering and death and are still subject to the constraints of suffering. But because existence as God is relatively happy, it is all the more difficult to see the need for salvation; Due to their temporary state of happiness they are narrow-minded and therefore not receptive to instruction. Your signature emotion is pride.


Contemplation for the Gods

If the effort of returning to vigilant doubt is sincere, and if the determination is thorough, then, whether moving or still, the outer perspectives will be like the color of autumn sky; transparent and bright. If you uphold and guard that well, your tranquility will be like the cold incense holder of the old shrine. If the activity of the mind is not darkened but is bright in tranquil stillness and alertness, your illusory and empty physical substance will experience being beyond the world of mankind.

The result of this vigilance with the truth will be like one silk thread hanging straight down on high; you will see that it can never be severed by any means. If you achieve this level, all the dust will be settled and brightness will pervade. But, naturally, right at this moment, if you allow yourself the idea of being awakened and claim that you are enlightened, then that consistency and loftiness from the awakened mind will immediately cease.

You must watch out carefully for this. At this level, for one who does not commit himself to tardiness, movement and stillness will be conjoined. Also, while you are awake and tranquil in watchful mind, the truth will abide constantly in front of your eyes; just as, for instance, the reflection of moonlight in the water moves freely in accord with the waves.  (zen master Myo Vong)


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