The Godless – Prayer Against the Wicked – Grant us such a light of faith that we may see the snares of the ungodly!

The Godless - The Wicked - Prayer for the Oppressed Holy Church. From the prayer book of my great-grandmother (1900) from Einsiedeln. The 90-year-old father of Christianity (Pope Leo) announces with his mighty word.

Sweetest Jesus, our divine teacher, who has always thwarted the shameful schemes with which the Pharisees often persecuted you, destroy the plans of the ungodly and of all those who seek to ensnare and deceive your people with their deceitful subtleties.

Enlighten us all, your disciples, with the light of your grace, lest we be deceived by the cunning of the wise of this world, who spread their pernicious principles everywhere in order to draw us into their errors. Give us such a light of faith that we may discern the snares of the godless and wicked, always firmly believe the teachings of your holy church, and persistently reject the tenets of the scoffers. Amen.