Sakura – Hanami – Cherry Blossom Meditation – Switzerland

Winter is slowly gone and we enjoy the blooming of the cherry blossoms (sakura).

Meditation - Sakura - Hanami

Welcome to the monthly meditation retreat. So now I started to reflect upon my situation. For more than a day I had been literally moaning in illness. My whole body, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, was in pain. However, I thought, a monk practices in order to attain liberation from birth and death and should not be upset about physical pain. And, in reality, where was this pain located?

In this way I carefully searched throughout my body for the pain, I suddenly realized that there was no single place where any pain was located. Although I had scrutinized my entire body from head to toe, I could find no particular pain anywhere. Thereupon I was immediately cured. Straightaway I sprang to my feet and told my master that I was now completely cured and we could continue on our way. However, at that moment the bell was rung for lunch.


So we stayed to eat and left shortly after the meal. That afternoon we walked without difficulty to the town and spent a night at a temple. The next day too we continued on our journey.

This account illustrates how important it is for a meditator to maintain a firm hold on his mind. This is the duty of every cultivator of the Way. The mind is as wily as a fox and as mischievous as a goblin. If we just let it be, it will give rise to all kinds of different thoughts. One should not allow this to happen. Instead, if we make a firm decision in our minds, all delusive thoughts can be washed away. In this way, those of us who claim to practice meditation should keenly poise our minds like a very sharp dagger. Thus should we bear ourselves with wisdom.


Zen Order Switzerland