Meditation Center – Honora Zen Monastery – Switzerland

The Honora Zen Monastery is a rustic and small meditation center in Switzerland. Here you can find more information and register for the monthly meditation weeks.


Take a deep breath and think the unthinkable. Sit comfortably and plunge into the depths of the depths! Meditate until your Self awakens.


Abbot Reding - Founder Meditation Center

Abbot Reding founded the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland after ten years of training as a Zen monk in Japan and Korea. Together, re-examining life and dying and calibrating the meaning of life again so that one can assume the greatest possible responsibility.



While studying the Truth, one might see the true mind before him. It is like the ox which obeys well only while the shepherd is pulling him; the shepherd is not yet able to give up his whip. Only when the ox is fully trained, so that even when pulled to an open crop-field; he would not damage the crops; only then can the whip be released. At this level, the ox-herding men, using no whip, would not worry about damaging the corps. Just so, after you attained the true mind, fist you should carefully refine and nourish your understanding so that great power and functioning will eventually result, you can then naturally help the indigent-beings.

If you want to experience and examine the true mind, fist of all, imagine in front of your eyes, the outer perspectives you used to hate or delight in. If you still raise the thought of hate or delight as usual, then the true mind is not yet mature. If the thought was not raised, then the true mind is mature. Even though you are at that level, still that is not yet the level of naturally unraised hate and delight. You should re-experience and re-examine while you deliberately face the conditions of hatred and delight.

Meditation Center Switzerland: The Honora Zen Monastery