The five hindrances obscure one’s true self and prevent one from introspection!

The five hindrances obscure one's true self and prevent one from introspection.

  • Sensual desire is opposed to renunciation. Sensual desire is the gratification of, being lost in, or rejoicing in anything pleasurable that entices and fascinates the mind and dims its radiance. It's like red paint poured into clear water, taking away the clarity of the water so that you can't see things at the bottom.


  • Evil is opposed to benevolence. A mind with ill will is sickened with anger, and this takes the form of rejection, denial, dissatisfaction, repugnance, irritability, and similar such undesirable states. In the state of ill will the mind 'boils' and is therefore not clear, just as water when it boils is no longer clear and one can no longer see the things at the bottom.


  • Dullness is opposed to the perception of light. Here it is synonymous with apathy, sleepiness and boredom. The mind that is overwhelmed by this obstacle loses its radiance just as pure water loses its clarity when it is so clogged and overgrown with algae that things at the bottom can no longer be seen.


  • Restlessness contrasts with steadfastness and balance. Restlessness means to burst out, spread out, scatter. It is about the thoughts spreading as a result of excessive interest in something or someone. These are worries or an uncomfortable feeling. The mind that is overwhelmed, agitated, or shaken by these two components is bereft of clarity, just as when water is swept by the wind, the many waves prevent one from seeing the things that lie beneath.


  • Skeptical doubt is opposed to basic trust and confidence. Negative or gloomy expectations are symbolized by the water in the darkest night.


Contemplation - Five Hindrances

The essence of the mind is radiantly clear and open. By recognizing its threefold nature - clarity, openness and awareness - I naturally merge with the unchanging reality. There is no calculation here as to whether the meditation is good or bad. This natural spirit is happy. (Milarepa)


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