Demigods – Demand Equality with the Gods – Jealousy and Resentment – The jealous demigods constantly quarrel with the gods!

The Realm of jealous Demigods: They are also called Titans. The jealous demigods constantly quarrel with the gods and try to take their place, but are unsuccessful. There is a constant struggle. They don't have time to study and practice. Her signature emotion is jealousy. Driven by jealousy and envy, you always compare yourself to others and not to your future self.

They don't know where they belong and so they compete with the others for their place. You confuse yourself with the gods because you only identify with the outside. But the gods don't notice anything about this fight. Seeing themselves as victims, they harbor resentment and dislike for the gods and constantly seek culprits to justify their victimhood. They demand equality with the gods.

Technology - Demigods

Using technology, the demigods try to copy the gods and become entangled in the web of illusions. It is not understood as a means, but you identify with the technology and it becomes an end in itself.



When you, the student preoccupied with Study, achieve greater intimacy with the truth, more and more you will find yourself in a feeling of ennui. It is the time to remind yourself that this is a sign of great progress and the time for full-blooming. Furthermore, this is the time when you should eagerly introspect upon yourself with vigilant doubt. Returning to doubt should never be delayed.

While introverting upon the truth if introversion is pure, it will suddenly enter the place of tranquility. You should use your mind well, finely concentrated even in everyday life movements. Besides, when you are preoccupied with Study, either beginning or ending, you should never depart from the clear and bright tranquility and purity. (zen master Myo Vong)



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