God – Without God, there is no individuality and everything is aimless and lost!

Without God, there is no individuality. What are we imitating? If we know what we're imitating, then we know what kind of god we're worshipping. Imitating the good is the dance around God. We celebrate.

Dance around the golden calf

When we copy, we dance in love with the golden calf. When we have not beheld the Self, we always identify with the body or the mind. Kicked out of the Garden of Eden and wandering homeless. The factual error of self and body-mind is sinful because we miss the mark. names Only a madman gives himself a name.

Axiom - God

Do you believe in the number 1? Is the number 1 real? Can you prove 1+1 = 2?


Facts can never tell you what to do with them. Science is like a very good map. But even the best map cannot tell me where I am and where I want to go.

Contemplation - God

The dear God in heaven puts you in the right order. I bow my head at the Master's feet. The nectar of my oath took care of me. Offerings made with faith invigorated my senses. The merits of the students have developed well. I experience the present spirit as openness. He has no nature to look at. The separation of viewer and observed has dissolved. This is how I gained the true understanding of meditation.

When meditating, I am constantly in radiant clarity and do not need any breaks. The separation of meditation and meditator has dissolved. This is how I achieved true steadfastness in meditation. In action I rest in the experience of radiant clarity and am free from doubt. That conditioned arising and openness are inseparable. The separation between the action to be performed and the person acting has dissolved. This is how I attained the true course of action. One-sided ideas dissolve in the space of the mind, hypocrisy, hope and fear in relation to the eight worldly interests do not exist with me.

I have no doubt that my spirit is of the nature of God. In relation to goals, one's own and those of others, there is no longer any separation between the goal that is achieved and the one who achieves it. This is how I realized the true fruit.


Meditation Center

Here you get more information about the monthly meditation retreat.

Zen Order of Switzerland