Your Holy Confession – I would not have the courage to return on my own – The light shows the truth, even if it is bitter

Your Holy Confession from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). Man's greatest enemy is sin. It is more severe than the most serious illness because it attacks and wants to kill the best thing that man has, his soul. If the human body were sick, miserable, crippled and deprived of all strength, but the bearer of a holy soul, then nothing is lost, on the contrary everything is gained. But if a sick soul is in a radiantly healthy and dazzlingly beautiful body, then everything is in danger. And if this soul is dead through a serious sin, then such a person has suffered the greatest evil that can be imagined: He is lost for eternity.

But God, who heals the sick and raises the dead, wants to perform an even greater miracle. He wants to heal people from their sins and bring them back to life from mortal sin. He wants to be our Savior as long as we live. This is the sacrament of confession: the salvation of each person individually and personally.

The confessor, by virtue of his priestly ordination, is the authorized minister of this sacrament. From such he is the representative of God and cannot act according to his own discretion. He can only absolve on the basis of honest accusation, sincere repentance, and good intention. In order to be sure of this, it is his duty to ask if necessary. The confessor is also obliged to ask questions if he is unclear about something important.

The first condition for a good reception of this sacrament is the sincere and honest knowledge of one's sins, if possible in all their depth and severity. For such knowledge we do well to invoke the Holy Spirit (Logos), whose light shows us the complete truth, even if it is bitter.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

God Holy Spirit! It is my sincere will to see myself in this holy confession as I really am. I want to have the courage to see all my sinfulness and all that is repugnant to God and my eternal purpose. I want to recognize what I have sinned against God, against others and against myself, in my family, in my status and in my job.

Put in my heart a sincere repentance for my mistakes and omissions! Then I will return to God from whom I have separated my sins. And this repentance will help me never again offend my Lord and God. Amen.

To God the Father

My Lord and God! you see right through me I can't keep any secrets from you. What is good in me and what is bad, you see in all its depth and size. That's how you see all my sins. I come to you, merciful Father, aware of my guilt, because otherwise I cannot find help for my soul.

Only you can help me with your mercy. Because your goodness is infinite and your love is so great that we humans cannot grasp it. Let me now receive this holy sacrament of peace and healing in such a way that I may become whole and pure in soul and regain the peace that dwells in the pure heart. Amen.

Confessional Mirror

You think about your sins

Thinking (meditating) on sins should be guided by the following principles:

  • There is a heavy duty of confession for grave sins. The venial sins are also remitted through repentance, good works, charity, and prayer. But it is good to give an account of them and to confess them. In the case of serious sins, the number should be given as best as possible.
  • Likewise, more detailed circumstances, if necessary to judge the sin. This saves the confessor from having to ask questions.
  • If you get in the good habit of doing a quick soul-searching every night as an overview of the day, it will be much easier to find your faults.
  • An honest recognition of mistakes is a great gain.
  • Scrupulators should be careful not to dwell on mistakes and details for too long.


When was the last time you confessed? Was the confession honest and complete in the essentials? Did you forget to confess a serious sin? If you're ashamed to ask something, ask today. have you done your penance well?

1. Commandment

Did you pray regularly? Were you reverent? Why didn't you pray or not pray anymore? Have you voluntarily doubted matters of faith? Is it because of your association that your faith is threatened? Have you yourself spoken against the faith, listened to such things, not confessed your faith out of cowardice? Have you read scriptures, newspapers or books against the faith? Do you also take care of your further education in the faith? Have you sinned by superstition, card reading, divination, astrology?

2. Commandment

Have you uttered God's name or the name of holy things or people without reverence? Did you utter them in anger, cursed? Have you spoken improperly or in mockery of God, religion, ecclesiastical rites, or priests? Did you swear carelessly or falsely?

3. Commandment

Have you stayed away from Holy Mass on Sundays and holidays through your own fault? Were you late for Holy Mass? Do you always go to the last or shortest mass out of laziness? Did you just stand there without thinking at Mass? Have you made an effort to get the right understanding of the Mass? Have you done or had menial labor done on Sunday for no reason? Did your physical activity make your Sunday rest impossible?

4. Commandment

The Father

Have you provided for the physical and spiritual well-being of your family properly? Have you fulfilled your parenting duties to your children? Were you fair to the children? Did you punish her too hard? in anger? Did you set a bad example for them?

The Superior

Were you a good master to your subordinates, especially to the apprentices? Did you give them fair treatment? Did you understand their legitimate wishes? Did you set a good example for them? you protected from seduction?

The Son

Did you show reverence to your parents? Were you ungrateful, impudent, demanding, inconsiderate towards them? Have you caused them sorrow and vexation? were you ashamed of your parents

The Inferior

Have you undermined your superiors' reputation? Did you criticize them unjustly and unlovingly? Did you incite others against them? Have you performed your civic duties to the best of your conscience?

5. Commandment

Have you been unloving towards your fellow human beings? Did you hate them, wish them harm? Did you insult others? Have you set a bad example for others? Must your conduct cause offense to others? Have you tempted someone to sin? Have you always been a helpful workmate? Has your behavior been brutal towards others or in the family? Vindictive? Unforgiving?

Have you sinned by cursed or actual annihilation of life? Have you damaged your own health by overeating, drinking, smoking? Have you endangered your life needlessly? Have you seriously thought about suicide?

6. and 9. Commandment

Have you been shameless in your thoughts, speech, looks, touches? Have you been unchaste with yourself by deed? Have you voluntarily desired the unchaste? Have you done unchastity with others? Have you touched others unchastely? Did you enjoy naughty performances? Have you read unclean scriptures and books? Did you dance naughty?

The unmarried man thinks especially: Have you wasted your male vitality senselessly and indiscreetly? Are you entertaining a frivolous acquaintance? Love for sale? Are you chivalrous towards the opposite sex? Also in talking about you? Have you made dishonorable demands on your bride or on others?

The married man thinks especially: have you been faithful to your wife? Also in your voluntary thoughts and desires? Have you avoided the danger of adultery? Have you sinned against God and natural law in conjugal devotion? Have you been ruthless in your demands on your wife?

7. and 10. Commandment

Did you steal What? How much? Have you not returned found or borrowed items? Have you damaged someone else's property? have you cheated on others embezzling? Mismanaging someone else's property? Haven't you done any due work? Have you abused authority to harm others? Have you been unscrupulous in the use of labor time or materials?

Did you really deserve your wages? Have you not paid your fair wages on time or not at all? Have you neglected your necessary professional training? Have you been reckless with your money? Played, wasted? Have you harmed your family through senseless spending?

8. Commandment

Did you lie? Have you slandered others? Have you betrayed entrusted secrets? Have you boasted by exaggerating? Have you flattered or hypocritically opposed to your beliefs? Didn't you keep promises? Have you broken loyal companionship?

Commandment of the Church

Did you take care of the demolition bid? Have you eaten meat on forbidden days for no good reason? Did you go to confession at least once a year and keep the accrual of the sacrifice? Did you have your children baptized and raised and raised as Christians? Is your marriage okay before God and the Church? Have you profaned the seasons of Advent and Lent by dancing or illicit gatherings?

Capital Sins

They are also called source sins because others emerge from them.

Proud, stingy, envious, malicious, intemperate, angry, stubborn, moody, biting, quick-tempered, lazy, work-shy.

After the examination of conscience comes the most important piece of confession,

The Regret

It will often be difficult to make a good regret. A few comments on this:

For the confession it is sufficient if the repentance is a so-called "fidelity to fear", i.e. if one repents of the sins because God punishes us for it and we have to fear this punishment. Such remorse can help a great deal. But that's not the best. It is far better when the repentance is complete.

It is when the following indicators are present: A right repentance brings a real turning away from sin, an aversion to it. Out of love for God, an inwardly convinced no to what you have committed. And at the same time a convinced yes to the will of God. That's the meaning of when we pray, "I am heartily sorry."

At the same time, right repentance brings about a powerful will to improve. The resolution to avoid sin and also the opportunity that can lead to sin, to the extent possible. For it is not impossible to truly reject a sin if one recklessly exposes oneself to the danger of falling again. And finally, the serious and sincere will to use all means to keep God's commandments is part of it. The intention is to endure anything rather than voluntarily offend against God.

Such repentance is complete. God knows that we also need His grace in repentance. And anyone who has the will to do so will not be denied this grace. Love of God - hatred of sin, that is the secret of good repentance. Then we can leave everything else to God.

The Repentance Prayer

My Savior and Lord! How bitterly have people disappointed you! Your people, for whom you ran your feet sore, stayed up many nights, suffered from hunger, thirst and weariness, reject, mock and condemn you! After three years of close friendship, one of your apostles goes to your persecutors and betrays you! Another swears out of fear of man: "I don't know this person!"

And finally, in the Upper Room, they start arguing about who is the greatest among them! I am also one of those who disappoint you so badly. I had to know that I owe everything to your goodness, that body and life are in your hands and given by your love. And then the examination of my conscience shows me that I too belong to the ungrateful, the weak and the reverent. Now my guilt stands before me in all its severity and accuses me: My guilt, my greatest guilt!

There's only one thing I can hold on to, that's your mercy. You called Judas friend when you kissed him the traitor. You also helped Peter to a good repentance. You took back a public sinner and forgave her. And one of your last words was pardon for a murderer and a plea for your executioners. I'm sticking to that! Lord, have mercy on me poor sinner too! My God!

Many times have I made an effort to make a good repentance of my sins. You know it. But you also know that despite all my good intentions, I fell again and became weak. If I didn't have you, merciful God, I would have to despair of myself. I know that you always take the prodigal son back when he comes back to you in repentance. I wouldn't have had the courage to return on my own. I would have to despair if I were to depend on myself alone.

But I can rely on your word. I can count on the fact that you do not want the sinner to die, but that he should convert and live. I can believe you that in heaven there is more joy over the converted sinner than over 99 righteous people who do not need repentance. This gives me the courage to say that once again I am sincerely and heartily sorry for my sins.

That I curse her as my most dangerous enemy. They separated me from you and wanted to make me a subject of evil and a willing instrument of humiliation. Tear me from them, my God! Show me that with you is true freedom and greatness, true love and holiness. And teach me to love you again with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength!

I know your words of punishing justice. I know that my sins I have every right to surrender to the horrors of your judgment. Should I disregard your love, let me at least fear your punishing hand, which no one can escape. The thought of it is a warning to me in danger, a threat in recklessness.

And now, O Lord, I promise you with a sincere heart that your will shall be my highest commandment. Not my inclinations and desires, not my desires and urges should guide me, but you, father. What has led me to sin I will avoid as far as I can. In doing so, I trust and count on you, on the bitter suffering of your divine Son and on the precious blood he shed for me. May this blood always be the sign of your great love, your truly divine mercy. Amen.

A Short Prayer of Repentance

My Lord and God! You are infinitely good. So have mercy on me poor sinner! I turn to you and recognize the injustice and ingratitude I have brought upon myself. For me the blood of salvation has flowed, and for me is the threat. which you have pronounced against sinners.

Do not leave me in the depths of sin, but raise me up again! Let me make up for what I've lacked and give me the strength to truly improve and serve you with renewed fidelity. I want to make true in myself what you said to the sick: "Dear, you are now healed; now sin no more." Amen.

When you come to the confessional, you should make the accusation clear and open. It is a relief for the confessor to begin the accusation: I am a man of .... years (married) and have not confessed for .... weeks.

After the Holy Confession

Good God! A great joy comes over me! If only I could now see with my own eyes what happened when the priest was absolved! The healing of my sick soul, the lifting of a broken man. More than the miraculous rescue of a terminally ill, more than raising the dead! I can experience such great happiness in myself! Father, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Now the power and air for good can awaken and become strong in me again! Now I can look up to you again with an honest look and pray to you with a clear conscience. 'Cause you made me right With your grace, which I can now earn again, I will raise up what my sin has torn down. I want to catch up again, what I have neglected, to do my best work again with youthful vigour, the work on my soul. You saved my soul, I want to be a faithful guardian again!

It's like new life has come into me. I genuinely rejoice in the purity you have restored to me. And I only wish that it stays with me now. This joy in the good should help me to receive and keep your grace in me. For I know that the temptations will not cease and the dangers will not be silent. When the excitement of my sensuality and the example of others want to call me back, remind me that your blood has made me clean and your cross has redeemed me! If my pride wants to rise again and my anger flares up again, then remind me of this holy confession!

I want to renew my resolution once more. I want to think about where the danger lies for me and how I can face it in time and safely. You give me a watchful eye and a sensitive conscience so that I can recognize early enough what can harm me. You, Holy Spirit, give me clarity and insight! Amen.

Now one prays the imposed penance and adds prayers voluntarily or makes a special sacrifice that one wants to accept as penance.

Behold, a mighty war is raging within you. Why do you fix your ear on all sorts of things? Behold, in your own house are the thieves! Where are you running? Rather fight with your own soul! (Isaac of Antioch)

Psalm 102

Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is in me, His holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, do not forget what good he has done for you. It is He who forgave all your sins and healed all your weaknesses. He saved your life from destruction and crowned you with grace and grace. He has richly satiated your soul with goods, like the eagle your virtue anew. The Lord shows mercy, creates justice for all who suffer injustice. He made known his ways to Moses, and his will to the sons of Jacob.

The Lord is merciful and gracious, long-suffering and merciful. He will not be angry forever, nor will he be angry forever. He does not act according to our misdeeds. For as heaven is far from earth, his mercy towers mightily over his godly ones. As the rising far from the setting, so far does he cast away all our sins. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on all who fear him. He knows our weak structure, he knows we are just dust.

Man's days are like grass, like a flower in the field he springs up. The wind blows over it, it's gone, you don't even remember where it was.

But the mercy of the Lord endures forever, and his loving kindness rests always on those who are righteous. He is faithful even to their children's children, if they keep his covenant; if they are anxious to fulfill his commandment. The Lord has set up the throne in heaven, and all is encompassed by his dominion.

Bless the Lord, all you His angels, mighty enforcers of His word, as soon as you hear His command aloud. Praise the Lord, you all his armies, you his servants who do his will. Praise the Lord, all ye his works, in all the places of his dominion; you, my soul, praise the Lord! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, so now and forevermore. Amen.