Prayer to Christ the King – You have conquered death, conquered the kingdom of Satan and reserved the Last Judgment for yourself

Prayer to Christ the King from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

Jesus Christ, King of kings and Ruler of all the world! All power that is on earth comes from you. All authority has its origin in you and the highest earthly power must answer to you. You are the supreme legislator and the supreme judge. All that is created is subject to you, and nothing will escape your power.

So we worship you, true king, humble and reverent. We fully acknowledge your dominion over us and willingly and willingly submit to you. You hid your divine glory in the form of a child, a workman, a battered and despised man. But in this humiliation you brought your kingdom to earth and conquered the hearts of the people. You have conquered death, conquered the kingdom of Satan and reserved the Last Judgment for yourself.

Your kingdom does not know coercion, enslavement and oppression. It is the realm of the greatest freedom and the greatest love. As free people we decide to belong to this realm. Because in you we find the greatest respect for human dignity and the development of the best human qualities. In your kingdom the worker counts as much as the master, the poor as much as the rich, if only grace dwells in us. And we are to become his announcers. There, where you were driven out of the rooms and halls, out of the workshops and classrooms, there your empire shall be reestablished.

We won't keep silent about you. We will gladly set the example of good Christians in good manners and discipline, in good duty and righteousness, according to your royal law and commandment. Give us the courage to do this! You have one big goal: that the whole world and all people find their way into your kingdom. That should also be our goal in everything we think, talk and do. Give us your grace and make us joyful citizens and preparers to follow the victorious path of your cross. Amen.