Heart Sutra – Logos of the Heart – The essence of the sublime crossing to the other shore of wisdom.

The Heart Sutra is the essence of the sublime crossing to the other shore of wisdom.

This is how I heard it: The awakened one was deep in the stream of perfect understanding and explained the process that leads to the illusion of a limited personality. Recognizing its emptiness, he overcame all suffering.

O student, form is no other than emptiness,
Emptiness no other than form.
Form is emptiness, emptiness form.
The same is true of feeling, thought, impulse and consciousness.

O student, all laws are empty.
They are not born nor annihilated.
They are not defiled nor immaculate.
They do not increase or decrease,
So in emptiness no form, no feeling, no thought, no impulse, no consciousness.

No eye, ear, nose, tongue body, mind;
No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or objects of mind,
No realm of sight; no realm of consciousness.

No ignorance, nor extinction of ignorance,
No old age and death, nor extinction of them.

No suffering, no cause of suffering
No cease of suffering, no path to lead out of suffering;
No knowledge, no attainment, no realization
For there is nothing to attain.

The enlightened One holds onto nothing but Emptiness.
Therefore his mind is clear of any delusive hindrance.
Without hindrance there is no fear,
Away from all perverted views he reaches final Enlightenment.

All Holy and Wise One's of past, present, and future
Through faith in this
Attain to the highest perfect enlightenment.

Know then, this is the great word,
The radiant peerless prayer, the utmost supreme prayer,
which is capable of allaying all pain,
This is true beyond all doubt.

Proclaim now the highest wisdom, the living word:

Gone, gone, already gone. Gone to the other shore.


Reciting the Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra chanting by abbot Reding and his monk brothers during a funeral ceremony in the zen monastery in Korea  and Japan:



Emptiness is the potential from which everything arises. Self-nature and God are originally empty, then the Logos manifests in body and mind.

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