Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – Nr. 73 – Zen Master Baso and the Hundred Negations

The Case

A monk said to zen master Baso, "Independent of the four propositions and transcending the hundred negations, tell me plainly the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West." Baso said, "Today I am tired and cannot tell you. Ask Chizo about it." The monk asked Chizo, who said, "Why don't you ask the master?"

The monk said, "He told me to ask you." Chizo said, "Today I have a headache and cannot tell you about it. Ask Brother Kai." The monk asked Brother Kai, who said, "Coming to this point, I do not understand." The monk told this to Baso, who said, "Zo's head is white, Kai's head is black."

Engo's Introduction

Preaching is non-preaching and nonteaching. Hearing is non-hearing and non-attaining. If preaching is nonpreaching non-teaching, what use is there in preaching? If hearing is non-hearing and non- attaining, what use is there in hearing? But this non-preaching and non-hearing are worth something. You are listening to me now, preaching here. How can we escape that criticism? Those who have eyes, see the following.


"Zo's head is white, Kai's head is black!" lt defies understanding. Ba's horses trampled over the world. Rinzai wasn't such a daylight robber. Putting aside the four propositions, the hundred negations, you can only nod to yourself.