Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – Nr. 61 – Zen Master Fuketsu’s “One Particle of Dust”

The Case

Zen master Fuketsu said to the assembled monks, "If one particle of dust is raised, the state will come into being; if no particle of dust is raised, the state will perish."

Setcho (at a later time), holding up his staff, said to his disciples, "Is there anyone among you who will live with him and die with him?"

Engo's Introduction

Setting up the Dharma banner and establishing the Dharma teaching such is the task of the teacher of profound attainment. Distinguishing a dragon from a snake, black from white that is what the mature master must do. Now let us put aside for a moment how to wield the life-giving sword and the death-dealing blade, and how to administer blows with the stick: tell me, what does the one who lords it over the universe say?


Let the elders knit their brows as they will; For the moment, let the state be established. Where are the wise statesmen, the veteran generals? The cool breeze blows; I nod to myself.