Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 95 – Zen Master Chokei Discusses the Holy Words

The Case

Zen master Chokei one day said, "Even if you say that the Arhats still have three poisons, you should not say that the Tathagata has two languages. I do not say that the Tathagata has no language but that he does not have two languages."

Hofuku said, "What is the Tathagata's language?" Chokei said, "How can a deaf person hear it?" Hofuku said, "I know you are speaking from a secondary principle." Chokei said, "What is the Tathagata' s language?" Hofuku said, "Have a cup of tea."

Engo's Introduction

Do not remain where Buddha is. If you do, horns will grow on your head. Run quickly past the place where there is no Buddha. If not, weeds will grow like a jungle. Even if you are entirely naked and absolutely bare, and the unhindered interpenetration of mind and circumstances is attained, you still cannot avoid resembling the fool who watched the tree stump to catch a hare. Now tell me, what are you to do in order to be free from these faults?


Who speaks from the first, who from the second principle? Dragons do not lie in puddles, where dragons lurk, waves arise when no wind blows. Oh! You Ryo Zen monk, you've bruised your head on the Dragon Gate.