Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 90 – Zen Master Chimon “The Essence of Wisdom”

The Case

A monk asked zen master Chimon, "What is the essence of wisdom?" Chimon said, "The oyster swallows the full moon." The monk said, "What is the action of wisdom?" Chimon said, "The hare conceives by the full moon."

Engo's Introduction

As to what stands prior to the Word, not one phrase has been handed down, even by the thousand holy ones. One thread maintains its continuity before your eyes through countless eons. It is all pure and naked, with hair erect and ears pricked up. Tell me, what is this about?


A piece of emptiness transcends description. This has made heaven and earth remember Emptiness. The oyster conceives by the moon-amazing! Monks ever since have done Wisdom Battles on it.