Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 9 – Zen Master Joshu’ s Four Gates

The Case

A monk (with the nearby city of Joshu in mind) asked the master of the same name, deliberately omitting the title "Venerable", "What is it about Joshu?" Zen Master Joshu spontaneously said: "Gates in the east, west, south, north!"

Engo's Introduction

In the bright mirror on its stand, beauty and ugliness are revealed. With the Bakuya sword in hand, killing and sparing are brought under control. A handsome fellow disappearing, an ugly one comes; an ugly fellow disappearing, a handsome one comes. Life is found in death, death in life. If you have no eye to penetrate the barrier, no freedom to turn about, you will be lost on the way. Tell me, what is the eye that penetrates the barrier, what is the freedom to tum about?


Its intention concealed, the question came; The Diamond King's eye was as clear as a jewel. There stood the gates, north, south, east, and west, But the heaviest hammer blow could not open them.