Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 87 – Zen Master Ummon “Medicine and Sickness Cure Each Other”

The Case

Zen master Ummon said to his disciples, "Medicine and sickness cure each other. All the earth is medicine, where do you find yourself?"

Engo's Introduction

The clear-eyed man knows no restriction. At one time he stands on the top of the mountain, with the weeds thick around him. At another time he is in the bustle of the marketplace, enjoying perfect ease of mind. When he displays the wrath of Nada, he is three-faced and six-armed. When he shows the mercy of the Sun-faced and Moon-faced, he gives forth the all-embracing light of blessing.

In every particle, he reveals all the bodies of the Buddha; mixing with people, he trudges through the mire. When he performs a transcendent action, even Buddhas cannot follow him, and they are driven back thousands of miles. Is there anyone among you who can go with him and act with him? See the following.


All the earth is medicine. Ancient and modem, men make a great mistake. Shut the gate, but do not build the cart. The universe is the highway, vast and wide. Mistaken, all is mistaken. Though their noses are stuck up to heaven, they will still be pierced for a rope.