Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 84 – Yuima “The Gate to the One and Only”

The Case

Yuima asked Manjusri, "What is the Bodhisattva's Gate to the One and Only?" Manjusri answered, "To my mind, in all Dharmas, there are no words, no preaching, no talking, no activity of consciousness. It is beyond all questions and answers. That is entering the Gate to the One and Only." Then Manjusri said to Yuima, "Each of us has had his say. Now I ask you, what is the Bodhisattva's Gate to the One and Only?"

[Setcho says, "What did Yuima say?" And again he says, "I have seen through him."]

Engo's Introduction

There is nothing right that can truly be called right. There is no wrong that can truly be called wrong. With right and wrong eliminated, gains and losses are forgotten. It is all naked and exposed. Now I want to ask you, what is in front of me and what is behind me? Some monk may come forward and say that in front there ate the Buddha hall and the temple gate, and behind, the bedroom and the sitting room. Tell me, is that man open-eyed? If you can see through him, I will acknowledge that you have seen the ancient worthy.


You foolish old Yuimakitsu, sorrowful for sentient beings, You lie sick in Biyali, your body all withered up. The teacher of the Seven Buddhas comes, the room is cleared of everything, you ask for the Gate to the One and Only. Are you repulsed by Manju's words? No, not repulsed; the golden-haired lion can find you nowhere.