Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 77 – Zen Master Ummon “Sesame Bun”

The Case

A monk asked zen master Ummon, "What is the teaching that transcends god and patriarchs?" Ummon said, "A sesame bun."

Engo's Introduction

If you work in the upward, transcendent way, you lead others by the nose. You are like a hawk taking a dove. If you work in the downward way, you place yourself at others' disposal, like a tortoise in its shell. If any of you come forward and say: There is originally no upward and downward; what use is it to talk in that way? I will say to them: I know you are living among dead spirits. Now, tell me, how do you distinguish black from white? [Here Engo pauses a while, then goes on to say] If there is a rule, follow it; if not, follow a precedent.


Talking about transcendence, men come up with countless puzzles. Just look! All patched up, full of holes. Ummon stopped the gaps with his sesame bun. But problems still remain to torture you.