Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 74 – Zen Master Kingyu and the Rice Pail

The Case

At every midday mealtime, zen master Kingyu would himself bring the pail of boiled rice and, in front of the refectory, dance and laugh loudly, saying, "Dear Bodhisattvas, come and take your meal."

[Setcho says, "Although Kingyu did this, he was not simple-minded."]

A monk said to Chokei, "The ancient worthy said, 'Dear Bodhisattvas, come and take your meal.' What does it mean?" Chokei said, "He seems to observe reflection and thanksgiving before the midday meal."

Engo's Introduction

The Bakuya sword in hand, he cuts through all complications. The clear mirror hung high, he himself utters the words of Vairocana. In self-mastery he quietly puts on his clothes and takes his meal. In occult and playful samadhi, what will he do?


From among the white clouds, laughter rings out. He brings the rice himself to give to the monks. If golden-haired, they will follow him, even thousands of miles away.