Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 7 – Zen Master Hogen’s “You are Echo”

The Case

A monk said to zen master Hogen, "My name is Echo. I ask you, what is the Buddha?" Hogen said, "You are Echo."

Engo's Introduction

As to what stands prior to the Word, not or phrase has been handed down, even by the thousand holy ones. If you a not yet intimate with it, you are separated from it by the three thousand worlds. Even if you have attained some understanding of it, and you stop the mouths of people living in the world, you are not yet worthy to be called clear-eyed. That is why it is said that heaven cannot cover it, earth cannot hold it, space cannot accommodate it, sun and moon cannot shine on it.

When there is no Buddha and when you alone are the master, then for the first time you are worthy of being talked about little. Now, if you are not yet like that, you have to become enlightened relation to the slightest object and give out illumination yourself. Then you can go anywhere and enjoy perfect freedom in your Law activity. Whatever you take up, you act rightly. Tell me, how could ye achieve such freedom? Once again I ask you, do you understand this? ''None hitherto had noticed the sweat of his steed, but his merits must be recognized."


In the land of the river, Faintly stirring, the gentle breeze of spring. Far away, deep among blossoms, The partridge sings. Ascending the falls, The carp became a dragon, Yet still, by night, Fools fish for him below.