Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 66 – Zen Master Ganto Laughed Loudly

The Case

Zen master Ganto asked a monk, "Where are you from?" The monk said, "From the western capital." Ganto said, "After the rebellion of Koso had been suppressed, did you get the sword?" The monk said, "Yes, I have got it." Ganto stretched out his neck before the monk and let forth a great yell. The monk said, "Your head has fallen." Ganto laughed loudly.

Later, the monk visited Seppo, who asked, "Where are you from?" The monk said, "From Ganto." Seppo said, "What did he say to you?" The monk recounted the story. Seppo gave him thirty blows and drove him out.

Engo's Introduction

Adapting himself adroitly to circumstances, displaying the spirit to capture a tiger; attacking now from the front, now in the flank, planning to seize the rebel; combining light and dark, holding fut and letting go. Dealing with deadly serpents-this is the master's task.


Since the rebel was suppressed, the sacred sword has been restored. Why the laughter, the master knows. Too small a reward, the thirty blows. One gains, one loses.