Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 60 – Zen Master Ummon’s Staff Becoming a Dragon

The Case

Zen master Ummon held out his staff and said to the assembled monks, "The staff has transformed itself into a dragon and swallowed up the universe! Where are the mountains, the rivers and the great worId?"

Engo's Introduction

Buddhas and sentient beings are not, by nature, different. Mountains, rivers, and your own self are all just the same. Why should they be separate and constitute two worlds? Even if you are well versed in Zen koans and know how to deal with them, if you stop there everything is spoiled. If you do not stop, the whole world will be dissolved, with not a particle of it left behind. Now tell me, what does it mean to be well versed in Zen koans?


The staff has swallowed up the universe. Don't say peach blossoms float on the waters. The fish that gets its tail singed may fail to grasp the mist and clouds. The ones that lie with gills exposed need not lose heart. My verse is done, but do you really hear me? Only be carefree I Stand unwavering! Why so bewildered? Seventy-two blows are not enough, I want to give you a hundred and fifty.

[Setcho descended from the rostrum waving his staff. The whole crowd ran away.]