Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 59 – Zen Master Joshu’s “Why Not Quote to the End?”

The Case

A monk said to zen master Joshu, "'The real Way is no difficult. lt only abhors choice and attachment. If you say a word, there arise choice and attachment.' How, then, can you go about helping someone?" Joshu said, ''Why don't you quote it to the end?" The monk said, "I have only this much in mind." Joshu said, "You know, the real Way is not difficult. It only abhors choice and attachment."

Engo's Introduction

Controlling the heavens, commanding the earth, transcending the holy, rising above the mundane, he shows us even in the myriad weeds the Wonderful Mind of Nirvana, and in the midst of Dharma battle holds the lifeline of the monk. Tell me, by what blessing can he be like that?


Spit in his face-he is not sullied; Call him names-it doesn't touch him. He walks like a tiger, moves like a dragon. Spirits shriek, gods groan and weep. His head is three feet long. Who is he? Facing you, he stands silent, on a single leg.