The Case
When zen master Ba Daishi [Baso] was out walking with Hyakujo, he saw a wild duck fly past. Daishi said, "What is it?" Hyakujo said, "It is a wild duck." Daishi said, "Where is it?" Hyakujo said, "It has flown away." Daishi at last gave Hyakujo's nose a sharp pinch. Hyakujo cried out with pain. Daishi said, "There, how can it fly away?"
Engo's Introduction
The universe is not veiled; all its activities lie open. Whichever way he may go, he meets no obstruction. At all times he behaves independently. His every word is devoid of egocentricity, yet still has the power to kill others. Tell me, where did the ancient worthy come to
The wild duck! What, how, and where? Baso has seen, talked, taught, and exhausted The meaning of mountain clouds and moonlit seas. But Jo doesn't understand-"has flown away." Flown away? No, he is brought back! Say! Say!