The Case
A monk asked zen master Ummon, "What is particle after particle's samadhi?" Ummon said, "Rice in the bowl, water in the pail."
Engo's Introduction
Transcending all ranks, rising above all expedients; spirit corresponding to spirit, words answering words unless he has undergone the great emancipation and attained the great use of it, how could he rank with the Buddhas and be a faultless exponent of the teachings? Now, tell me, who can be so direct and adaptable to all occasions, and have the free command of transcendent words?
Rice in the bowl, water in the pail!
Even the most talkative can add nothing.
The North and the South stars do not change places,
Heaven-touching waves arise on land.
If you doubt, if you hesitate,
Though heir to millions--trouserless.