Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 37 – Zen Master Banshan “Three Worlds, No Law”

The Case

In the middle of teaching his listeners, Zen Master Banshan called into the hall: "In the three In the realms of experience (the realm of drives and desires, the realm of forms and shapes and the realm of the invisible-superior) not a single thing exists at all. And where would something like spirit be found? Nowhere?" Later he added: "The four great things: earth, water, fire, wind, are basically Jeer. Where would there be a dwelling place for God? The star above me stands still; it presents itself without blemish, face to face. Otherwise there's nothing more to say!"

Engo's Introduction

The spirit which moves like lightning fail to follow. When the bolt descends from the blue, you
have no time to cover your ears. The scarlet banner flutters over the master's he the two-edged sword is being brandished behind the student's neck. Unless your eyes are sharp and your hands move quickly, how can you delusive ways of thought. Don't you know that countless skulls are haunted by ghosts? I want to ask you, without falling into the delusive way of thinking and without halting irresolutely, how can you respond to the teacher's words?


Three worlds, no Dharma, Where could you find the mind? White clouds crown the heavens, The streams draw music from the harp-Tunes and harmonies which none can understand. The night's rain has brought the autumn waters deep.