Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 36 – Zen Master Chosha Went for A Walk

The Case

One day zen master Chosha went for a walk. When he returned to the gate the head monk said, "Ohsho, where have you been strolling?" Chosha said, "I have come from walking in the hills." The head monk said, "'Where have you been?" Chosha said, "First I went following the fragrant grasses, and now I have returned in pursuit of the falling blossoms." The head monk said ''You are full of the spring.'' Chosha said, "Better than the autumn dews falling on the lotus leaves.''

(Setcho says, "Thank you for your answer.")


The world without a speck of dust!
What man's eyes are not opened?
First following the fragrant grasses,
Returning in pursuit of falling blossoms,
The slender stork perched in the wintry tree,
A crazy monkey shrieking on the age-old heights.
Chosha's eternal meaning - ah!