Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 35 – Manjushri’s “Three and Three”

The Case

Manjushri asked zen master Muchaku, "Where have you recently come from?" Muchaku said, "From the south." "How is Southern Buddhism faring?" asked Manjushri. "The monks of the latter days of the Law observe the Buddha's precepts a little," Muchaku answered. "Are there many or few?" "Here about three hundred, there around five hundred." Then Muchaku asked Manjushri, "How is it observed in your part of the world?" Manjushri said, "The worldly and the holy are living together; dragons and snakes are mingled." "Are there many or few?" ''The former threes and threes, the latter threes and threes."

Engo's Introduction

In distinguishing dragon from snake, jewel from stone, black from white, irresolute from decisive, if one does not have the clear eye of the mind and the amulet under the arm, one invites instant failure. Just at this moment, if one's vision and hearing are dear, and color and sound are truly recognized, tell me, is he black or white, crooked or straight? The subtle difference-how could you discern it?


The thousand hills, peak upon peak, deep blue; Who can converse with Manjushri? How I laugh at "many or few"! How I admire "The former threes and threes, The latter threes and threes"