Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 24 – Zen Nun, the Old Female Buffalo!

The Case

Zen Nun Ryutetsuma came to zen master Isan. Isan said, "Old Female Buffalo, so you have come!" Tetsuma said, ''Tomorrow there is a great festival at Taisan. Will you be going?" Isan lay down and stretched himself out. Tetsuma went away.

Engo's Introduction

Standing on the highest mountaintop, no devil or heretic can approach him, Descending to the farthest depths of the sea, he is not to be seen even by the Buddha's eyes. Even if your eye is like a shooting star and your spirit like lightning, you are still like the turtle, which cannot avoid dragging its tail. At such a juncture, what do you do?


Riding an iron horse, the general entered the double-walled fortress;
The imperial proclamation: the six kingdoms are at peace.
Still gripping the golden whip, he urges the returning troops;
In the quiet depths of the night, no one goes with him through the
king's streets.