The Case
Zen master Gutei, whenever he was asked a question, only raised a finger.
Engo's Introduction
When even one particle stirs, the whole universe is involved; a blossom opens and the world responds. But what do you see when no particle stirs and a blossom does not open? It is said that it is like cutting the thread on a reel: one cut and you cut it all. Or it is like dyeing the thread on a reel: dye it once and you dye it all. Now, if you eradicate all the complications that affect you and bring out the treasure within you, you will find that everything is all right, above and below, before and behind. If you have not yet done so, see the following.
Well, now! I like Gutei's way of answering. Who could compare with him throughout the whole universe? He let down the wooden float into the dark sea, making the blind turtle sing and swim and cling to it.