Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 100 – Zen Master Haryo “Sword Against Which a Hair Is Blown!”

The Case

A monk asked zen master Haryo, "What is the sword against which a hair is blown?" Haryo said, "Each branch of the coral embraces the bright moon."

Engo's Introduction

We sow the cause and reap the results; starting carefully, we end in consummate perfection. From the outset nothing was kept secret. When I talked, I had nothing to give you. Some of you will say to me, "You have talked so much during the summer retreat, and now you say that from the beginning you had nothing to give us. What do you mean?" I reply that I will tell you when you have attained realization. Now, I ask you, is this simply because I do not fail to observe the first principle, or is there some real advantage in doing so? See the following.


O cut off discontent, rough methods may be best. Now they slap, now they point. The sword lies across the sky, snow glistens in its light, no one can forge or sharpen it. "Each branch of the coral embraces the bright moon." Marvelous