Zen Koan – Hekiganroku – No. 10 – Zen Master Bokusha’s “Empty-headed Fool”

The Case

Zen master Bokushu asked a monk, "Where are you from?" The monk gave a shout. Bokushu said, "This old monk is shouted down by you." The monk shouted again. Bokushu said, "What about after the third and fourth shouts?" The monk stayed silent. Bokushu hit the monk and said, "You empty-headed fool!"

Engo's Introduction

Yes is yes, no is no. In the Dharma battle, each stands on his own ground. Therefore it is said, when one's activity is upward, even Shakyamuni, Maitreya, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, the thousand holy ones, and the religious teachers of the whole world become spiritless and silent. When one's activity is downward, even maggots, gnats, and all creatures become brilliantly illuminating and as independent as a ten-thousand-fathom cliff. However, how is it when one's activity is neither upward nor downward? If there is any rule, rely on the rule; if there is no rule, follow a precedent.


Two shouts, three shouts; The knowing one knows well; If going hell-bent,
Both are blind. Who is blind? Fetch him! Expose him to the world!