Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – No. 9 – Ten Different Kinds of Diseases From the Koan “Mu” (Nothingness)

One monk asked zen master Chao-Chou (788 - 897), "Does even the dog have a Self-Nature?" The Venerable master Chao-Chou said, "Mu (nothing)." One time while the Venerable master Yong-Song was in the Mang-Wol Temple, his students asked the master, "Recently, many students have been excessive and even extreme in their practice. Now, we would like to send them away with some advice that will help them to calm down. Can you suggest something?" Master then said, "There are ten major diseases that commonly arise when studying the 'Mu' (nothingness) Koan."

Ten Diseases of "Mu"

  1. Do not interpret it, it involves neither being nor non-being.
  2. Do not prognosticate about Chao-Cou's answer "Mu." It is truly nothing whatsoever.
  3. Do not wonder and draw a conclusion that there must be some distinct reasons why he answered as he did.
  4. Do not imagine that there must be a hidden purpose behind Master's answer.
  5. Do not focus on the moment of blinking eyes and raising eyebrows while examining "Mu."
  6. Do not assume that focusing on the words is the only way to study "Mu."
  7. Do not waste your time watching scattered ideas while sitting with "Mu."
  8. Do not assume that there is no one but the examiner who follows the path of the question back to the moment of the Koan arising.
  9. Do not quote any words of various masters to explain your understanding of "Mu."
  10. Do not sit and wait, anticipating that your ignorance will gradually fade away.

Then Venerable Master Yong-Song sent this phrase:

Merely departing from ten different kinds of diseases from Mu, tell me a word, Quickly!

Zen Master's Comments

In regard to this, Venerable Masters have commented. Master Yong-Song said, "Hole-less sledgehammer." Venerable master Hye-Am said, "Sledgehammer is useful with a hole in which to put the handle. If it has no hole, it is useless. You are already contaminated by falling to the ten different kinds of diseases." Master Po-Wol said, "What kind of disease does that particular word, 'Mu' have?" Venerable master Yong-Song answered for himself, "Zucchini flower passed through the wall and lay down in the hemp field." Venerable master Hye-Am commented on this, "A man is lying down sick in the unoccupied outer perspectives." Venerable master Hye-Wol replied by a "Hal (one loud short shout)" and then said, "Is this one 'Hal' right or wrong?"

The Venerable master Yong-Song commented, "Two for one." Venerable master Hye-Am remarked on this comment, "That is definitely not right. The Venerable Master Hye-Wol is giving up the wrong to disclose the right."

The Venerable master Song-Wol said, "The cloud in the valley of Mount Mang-Wol (where Yong-Song stayed). And a thief at the foot of Mount Kum-Jung (where Song-Wol stayed)." Venerable master Yong-Song commented, "A thief is slightly disclosed."