Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 28 – Walking Seven Steps

When the World-Honored-One was born, he looked around, walked seven steps in four directions, and, pointing one finger to heaven and one to earth, roared out, "Above is Heaven and below is Heaven only I am the most Honored." When Zen Master Woon-Moon heard this, he bellowed out:

If I were there, I would have beaten him to death, and fed him to the hungry dogs to give peace to the world.

Zen Master Paik-Woon commented on this:

Woon-Moon's words are very superior to the worldly point of view. As if dragon merged with the water, as if tiger leaned over the mountain. However, even though it was the most wonderful comment, he didn't yet know there was an ascending path.

Everyone should carefully watch out!

Zen Master Hye-Am

When the World-Honored-One suddenly roared out, "Above is Heaven and below is Heaven only I am the most Honored," the zen master Woon-Moon surprisingly bellowed out that the would beat him to death and feed the hungry dogs to give peace to the world. What is the mistake Shakyamuni committed? The Venerable Zen Master Na-Ong sang a verse:

Seven steps were rather unacceptable. Pointing fingers to heaven and earth was the worst fallacy. If he hadn't committed that mistake, he should have avoided Woon-Moon's intolerable beating.

Was Woon-Moon a good or bad son of the World-Honored One? The zen master Paik-Woon also commented that Woon-Moon didn't even know the 'ascending path.' Now where did he fall down? Zen Master Tai-Hui said, "If one knows where Zen Master Woon-Moon fell down, then one will directly understand where one fell down himself."

Zen Master Hye-Am Response

If someone asked me, "Where is the spot where he fell down?," I would say, "That is where one knows how to do away with Woon-Moon's dharma staff. Now, tell me, how would you do away with the staff?"