Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 20 – Knocking Down the Flagpole

After Buddha entered Nirvana, Mahakasyapa became the head of the Community. He recalled 500 venerable monks to Kapila where they were about to compose the scriptures. At that time Ananda could not attend this meeting because he had not yet fully broken through the saintly level. However, Ananda asked Mahakasyapa, "When Buddha transmitted the Law to you, what were you transmitted besides the golden robe?" Suddenly Mahakasyapa called, "Ananda!" "Yes, Master." "Go and knock down the flagpole at the door in front."

But Ananda did not understand yet what it expressed. For three days he sincerely upheld the doubt and finally broke through to enlightenment. Now, he could attend the meeting. He memorized what Buddha had said, as it was, without error. Finally, every member of the crowd identified and approved the scripture's composition.


In 1945 I went to Taisung Shrine. Bhikuni Mann-Sung came and questioned me, "What is the essence of knocking down the flagpole?" Automatically I remembered what the Master Jon-Kang once said, "I wouldn't make the same mistake twice." So I answered, "I wouldn't make the same mistake twice." But Mann-Sung said, "I just paid off what I owed you once before."

As soon as I heard this, I realized that I was wrong and told myself, "Bhikuni Mann-Sung used to come and study under me, and now I have given her a wrong answer to her question." I felt badly about that. Right after this event, I carefully studied and held special retreats for myself, finally catching the essence of 'knocking down the flagpole'. What if I had not trusted what she said at that time? I might still be carrying the wrong answer without knowing the correct one. Instead, I trusted her and carried that doubt all the way. That is the reason the essence is clear now.

Zen Master Hye-Am Response

Now, if someone asked me what is the essence of "knocking down the flagpole," I would say,

It cannot be seen by eye and it cannot be heard by ear.

The essential phrase of the knocked down flagpole cannot be seen with eye or heard by ear. Furthermore, even it the meaning is clear, still the essence itself cannot be fully exposed.