Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 19 – The Sixth Patriarch

In Panya-Sa temple in Seoul, the monks once come from all over the country to hold precept ceremonies together. Venerable Zen Master Hye-Am was invited as a representative of korean monks. He was asked to give a speech, but since he had never read any precept books, he had to talk about the Altar Sutra of Sixth Patriarch, Hui-Neng.

The Case

After Hui-Neng became the Patriarch by receiving the robe and bowl, he left the temple at midnight and was escorted by the Fifth Patriarch to the Ku-Gang courier station to board a boat. As soon as they were on the boat, the Fifth Patriarch picked up the oars and rowed.

Hui-Neng said, "Please Master, sit down. This disciple should take the oars." The Patriarch replied, "I should cross you over." "Please Master, while deluded, Master should cross one over. Being awakened, one crosses himself over. Although the words cross over are the same (in both cases), the usage is not the same. Hui-Neng was born and had been in the frontier region, so speaking and utterance were not proper. Now, by the master, Hui-Neng was entrusted with the Law. Being awakened, it is truly appropriate for me, myself, to cross the Self-Nature over." The Patriarch replied, "So be it, so be it. Hereafter the Buddha-Law will be spread widely by you."

Zen Master Hye-Am

In these cases of "cross over," the usage is not the same. Now, what are the usages in these cases? The whole essence of the Altar Sutra is in the words, crossing over which everyone should look at more closely. If someone asked me the essence of the usages of crossing over, I would respond with an analogy since, for the sake of the Law, the word is not allowed to be spoken directly in public.

Water cannot depart from the wave and the wave cannot depart from the water.

One should completely discover how to verbalize this word exactly.