Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 17 – The Four Servants: From the Book of Zen

Zen Koan - Four Servants - One Zen student came to the Venerable Master Hye-Am and asked about the Koan concerning the dialogue between Venerable Master Nam-Jon and a high official Yuk-Kung.


Yuk: What is your family name?

Nam: Wang (King)

Yuk: Do you have a servant?

Nam: Four servants are not dull.

Yuk: In what position are you as a king?

Nam: In the Jade-Throne moss is growing.


Student: Here Venerable Master Nam-Jon said, Four servants are not dull. What do 'four servants' mean? Why did he say "they are not dull?" Would you tell me the reason?

Master: Four servants are 'eye,' 'ear,' 'nose,' and 'tongue.' What is not dull is that it cannot be seen by eye, it cannot be heard by ear, it cannot be smelled by nose and it cannot be spoken by tongue.

Student: What does, 'In the Jade-Throne moss is growing' mean?

Master: The position is not right.

Student: What do you mean by, "The position is not right?"

Master: At the edge of the cloud a rabbit has already disappeared.

Student: What is your Master's family tradition?

Master: Reader at the door in front.

Student: What does that mean, "Reader at the door in front?"

Master: The one path at the door in front goes all the way to the capital.

After while the student bowed.

Student: How is it when the moon is not round?

Master: 3 and 4 were swallowed.

Student: How is it, when the moon is fully round?

Master: 7 and 8 are vomited.

Student: What do you mean by saying, "3 and 4 were swallowed, and 7 and 8 were vomited?"

Master: Here are half-moon and full-moon.