Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 16 – Transmitting the Robe and Bowl

Transmitting the Robe and Bowl - Venerable Zen Master Hye-Am once had a dharma talk for the members of the Korean Bodhidharma Society. After a long Aposiopesis at the podium, the Master employed the following story of the Zen Master Tong-San (807 - 869). A monk came to Zen master Tong-San to ask about the sixth patriarch, Hui-Neng (638 - 713). "Under the the Fifth Patriarch, Hong-In, everyone on the mountain believed Venerable Shin-Soo would be the first choice of the Fifth Patriarch as a dharma successor.

He had not only studied diligently for such a long time under the Patriarch; but, also, among his disciples he had the most superb doctrinal understanding. He had great respect from his colleagues as well. Due to this respectful reputation he forced himself to write a Verse:

Body is the Bodhi tree. The mind is a bright mirror stand. Eagerly clean up all the dust now, and then do not let it again arise.

Why didn't the robe and bowl, which had been transmitted from Bodhidharma up to the Fifth Patriarch, go to him? Zen Master Tong-San answered, "Because the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-Neng, sang a Verse:

Originally Bodhi is not a tree, the bright mirror has also not the stand. Originally not a thing subsists, then where can dust arise?

The robe and bowl as you know, where transmitted by the Fifth Patriarch to Hui-Neng. However, I, Tong-San, would rather say, "Even though saying directly, "Originally not a thing subsists,' still, the robe and bowl cannot be transmitted. Tell me now, who will be the right person to receive the transmission?"

This monk had interviewed 96 times but the Zen master refused his answer. At the final meeting, the monk declared, "Whatever can be said about it precisely, still it wouldn't be appropriate to transmit the robe and bowl." This time Zen master Tong-San was deeply impressed and confirmed him.

Zen Master Hye-Am

Master Hye-Am looked around the crowd and said,

I would like to question you further about this Koan. Zen Master Tong-San said, "Even though saying directly, 'Originally not a thing subsists,' still, the robe and bowl cannot be transmitted." As for me, instead of the statement, "Saying directly, originally not a thing subsists," I would rather say, "To merge directly with, 'Originally not a thing subsists,' was stated; still, the robe and bowl cannot be transmitted."

All of you should carefully observe this case. Now, in order to transmit the robe and bowl directly, how would you directly merge with not-a-thing? No one spoke. The master waited for a while and said, "if someone asked me about the way to merge with not-a-thing, I would answer, how should I preserve it?"

The wisdom bowl which has arrived at the top of the head, driven freely, landed at the outer perspective in front. As one flower bloomed in northern mountain, abruptly one piece of land in front of the mountain is red.