Honora Zen Monastery – Currently Closed
The Zen Monastery is currently only open for consultation hours by appointment only. The meditation stay is exclusively available to friends of the family.
Monthly Zen Weekend – Mountain Hotel
The meditation weekend takes place once a month in the Mountain Hotel Schwänzelegg in Grüsch-Danusa.
Christian Zen Meditation – Peace Chapel
The Peace Chapel in Reichenburg (SZ) offers a protected and sacred setting to get a little closer to yourself and God. Christian Zen meditation takes place every Monday and Wednesday.
There will be no meditation from December 24th to January 6th
Looking for a Good, Loyal and Faithful Soul
We are looking for a good, loyal, trustworthy and faithful soul for the Zen monastery and the family.
Properties for the Monastery
The balancing act between running a monastery and family life is not always easy to master. The Honora Zen Monastery is therefore looking for an additional home so that both can be carried out more easily.
Almsround – Donation
Going for almsround or begging is an important part of Honora Zen Monastery’s upkeep and sharing with the community.