The Holy Rosary – No one prays the Rosary for any length of time without getting better

The Holy Rosary from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). No one prays the rosary for any length of time without getting better. Very many Catholic men are careful to carry the rosary in their pocket at all times. Even if many do not understand it and even despise it, for many others it has become an indispensable and very precious prayer, a genuine popular prayer.

The rosary is usually prayed in such a way that each law begins with the Lord's Prayer and then the mystery is always inserted in the ten following "Hail Mary" at the word "Jesus". But you can also name the secret at the beginning of each law and add a little reflection to it. The rosary closes with an Our Father, three "Hail Marys", with the three divine virtues and the creed.

The Joyful Rosary

  1. Whom you, O Virgin, received from the Holy Spirit.
  2. Which you, O Virgin, carried to Elizabeth.
  3. Whom you, O virgin, gave birth to.
  4. Which you, O virgin, offered up in the temple.
  5. Which you, O virgin, found in the temple.

The Painful Rosary

  1. Who sweated blood for us.
  2. The one for us has been scourged.
  3. He for us has been crowned with thorns.
  4. Who carried the heavy cross for us.
  5. He was crucified for us.

The Glorious Rosary

  1. Who rose from the dead.
  2. Who ascended into heaven.
  3. Who sent us the Holy Spirit.
  4. Who took you, O virgin, into heaven.
  5. Who crowned you, O virgin, in heaven.

The Three Divine Virtues

Increase in us true faith. Strengthen in us the Christian hope. Ignite in us the divine love.

Laurentian Litany

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us

Christ hear us

Christ, hear us God the Father from heaven - have mercy on us!

God Son, Redeemer of the world

God Holy Spirit

Holy Trinity,

One God Holy Mary - Pray for us!

Holy Theotokos

Holy Virgin of the Virgins mother of Christ

Mother of Divine Grace

You purest mother

You pantiest mother

You Immaculate Mother

You lovely mother

You safe mother

You wonderful mother

You mother of good advice

You mother of the creator

You mother of the Redeemer

You wisest virgin

You venerable virgin

You praiseworthy virgin

You mighty virgin

You kind virgin

Faithful virgin, pray for us!

You mirror of justice

You seat of wisdom

You cause of our joy

You spiritual vessel

You venerable vessel

You excellent vessel of devotion

You spiritual rose

You Tower of David

You ivory tower

You golden house

You ark of the covenant

You gate of heaven

You morning star

Thou salvation of the sick

You refuge of sinners

You comforter of the afflicted

You helper of Christians

You queen of angels

You queen of patriarchs

You queen of the prophets

You queen of the apostles

You queen of martyrs

You queen of confessors

You queen of virgins

You queen of all saints

Queen conceived without blemish of original sin, pray for us!

You Queen of the Holy Rosary

You queen of peace

O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. - Hear us, O Lord!

O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. - Have mercy on us, O Lord.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, That we may be worthy of the promise of Christ.

Let us pray!

Grant, we beg Thee, O Lord God, that we, Thy servants, may enjoy the everlasting good of soul and body, and be delivered from present affliction, and enjoy everlasting joy, through the glorious intercession of Mary Most Holy and Ever Virgin like. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Queen of the Rosary

You most powerful Virgin, loving helper of the Christian people! How grateful we must be to you for the protection you once gave our fathers! They were threatened by the infidels. They prayed the rosary in devotion and called on you for your motherly help. You saw from the sky the danger they were in and heard their pleading call. The humble prayer to which Pope Saint Pius V encouraged them was pleasing to you, and you readily came to their aid.

Dear Mother, let the continuing prayer of your church come before your throne again today and find grace there! Let yourself be moved to pity again. Rise once more to save us from the many enemies who press upon us on all sides. Even today, from every corner of the earth, the prayer of the Rosary, so familiar to us, reaches your throne. May you graciously look down on our need as you did then.

Yet our sins prevent it from taking effect or delay its effect. Therefore, dear Mother, ask us to be truly repentant of our sins and determined to die rather than offend God again. We are bitterly sorry that through our own fault we are being denied or delayed the help we so desperately need. So bow down, good mother, to the requests of the world. Humble the pride of unfortunate people who in their arrogance want to blaspheme God and destroy the Church. According to an infallible word of Christ, the gates of hell will never prevail over them.

Let us know once again that victory is assured as soon as you rise to her protection. Amen.

The Magnificat

My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For he looked down on the lowliness of his maid; Behold, from now on every generation will call me blessed. For he who is mighty and whose name is holy did great things in me. And from generation to generation his mercy extends to all who fear him.

He works might with his arms spread out that are proud of mind. He dethrones the mighty and exalts the humble. He fills the hungry with good things, and sends away the rich empty. He lovingly takes care of his servant Israel, remembering his steadfast love and loyalty: As he once promised to the fathers, Abraham and his people, forever. Amen.