The Gospel of Thomas – Mysticism – Whoever finds the interpretation of these words will not taste death!

The Gospel of Thomas - Secret Holy Words

The rediscovery of the Gospel of Thomas and other early Christian writings is probably the most significant event in the history of Christianity today. While the Sermon on the Mount provides guidelines for the conduct of external life, the Gospel of Thomas provides instructions for the inner life. The Word, the Logos, which brings the soul to life.

These are the secret words that Jesus the Living spoke and that Didymos Thomas wrote down.

Whoever finds the interpretation of these words will not taste death!

Logos - Christ's Guideline to the true Self

The Gospel of Thomas contains instructions for the immediate awareness of spiritual truths and realities that are crucial for the self-realization of man and the fulfillment of his life's meaning. They are presented here as the core ideas of inner Christianity, whereby the explanations given for the 114 verses of the Gospel of Thomas allow the depth of thought of these secret words of the Lord to shine through.

This is about religion at first hand - not about theological speculations, not about confessions, but about knowledge. About the path inward, on which everyone advances in gradual self-initiations to a new, more alert and more conscious life from the spirit of living oneness with the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Thomas - Mysticism

The Apostle Thomas - Didymos the Twin

The Galilean Didymos Thomas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, who is little mentioned in the Gospels and is only mentioned in tradition as the recorder of Christ's words intended for the inner circle. 'Thomas' is an Aramaic name and literally means 'twin', so the apostle's name is a repetition of the same word in two languages.


Western India - The oldest Christian Community

The Apostle Thomas went to India where he worked as a master builder and spiritual teacher. The oldest Christian community in Western India, which can be traced back to the 3rd century, is that of the Thomas Christians. According to tradition, it was founded by Thomas himself in Travancore. The Persian Nestorians also call themselves students of the Apostle Thomas.

Why did the student go east after the death of his teacher? If the father dies, perhaps the grandfather is still alive!

Mystic - The Bridge to the Self

Thomas was a mystic who was only interested in practice - religious experience, the realization of the re-ligio. It teaches salvation through knowledge, i.e. through the abolition of non-knowledge, and it sees the life of the spiritually unawakened as being bound to matter and its transience, and calls for awakening. To turn away from the world and return home to the light kingdom of the deity.

Mysticism is life-affirming, as positive guidance for mastering life and superiority of existence through the spirit, for awakening the imperishable inner man hidden behind the transient outer man, who knows himself to be safe in the whole of life and one with the eternal.

God is the Light - Evil is the Shadow

God is light, in him there is no darkness. The darkness on earth and in beings is not from God and has no existence of its own from the spirit, but is only shadow. And as such it is a witness of the light towards which one must direct one's gaze in order to emerge from the darkness of ignorance and suffering.

This is the vision of the religious person who sees himself and life from the spirit, in the light of God, and recognizes with Meister Eckhart that man has many skins around him that conceal the depths of his being. Therefore he knows many things, but rarely himself. Many skins, like that of an ox and just as thick, conceal the inner being. Therefore, penetrate into your own foundations, piercing them, and learn to know yourself!