The Evening Prayer – Sleep is like Death – With calm courage we think of our Death

The evening prayer from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). The day is coming to an end. As the farmer drives the harvest into the barn, we survey the harvest of the day that has just ended. Not everything was good and perfect. We have reason to humbly repent what we have lacked through carelessness and weakness. We don't go to rest without having found peace again with God. And we also remember those whom we have wronged.

Sleep is like death. We think of our death with calm courage. Have we arranged our cause before the Lord so that we can die with a clear conscience? It also works mysteriously in us during the night. The last thought of the evening must therefore be holy and good. It is a sincere thank you to God the Father for all the gifts we were allowed to receive. And it is a request for a clean night for us and for all humanity on earth.

May Almighty God grant us a peaceful night and a happy ending.

The Evening Prayer

Father in heaven! I want to end the day with you. First I want to say thank you. I have received so many good things from you. I owe to you all the valuable things I have done today and all the success of my works. From you came every good thought, mastery and example.

How much more could I have done! And what I did was often done weakly and reluctantly. Before you I want to confess openly and honestly that I am a sinner. I know what you're asking of me, and yet I'm not doing it. I let myself be driven by all sorts of thoughts and desires and I should let you guide me. I always waver back and forth between growth and sin, between good will and weakness.

At least take the good will that you now see in me as a substitute for many a good work that you know of me and love me, O my God, when I come back to you. I know I can trust you like no other. And in that faith I ask your grace and power to make me a man according to your will, the man you want me to be.

This trust in you makes me happy and gives me vitality. Nobody has a better protector and master. Stay with me tonight, too, and let me awaken to new service in the morning. Amen.

Night Prayer and Repentance

Sit yourself on the judgment seat of your conscience and expose your sins. And if your conscience shrinks from it and prefers to deal with the sins of others, then tell it: I do not judge you for these sins. What is it to you if this or that is bad? Why did you do that yourself?

Blame yourself and don't look at others. If you want to go to bed at night, do this court session. This is the right time for you. Your bedroom and your bed are the courtroom.

Self-examination In The Evening

We are spiritual tradesmen, brethren, and are like the worldly tradesmen. Daily the merchant calculates profit and loss, and when he has suffered a loss he takes pains and cares how to make it good again. Likewise, think every night how you conduct your trading business.

Say to yourself: Have I spoken idle words? Was I indifferent? Did I make my brother angry? Have I slandered someone? Was my mind wandering in worldly imaginations? Did carnal desires come upon me and do I take it with lust? Did I let myself be defeated by earthly worries? Have I offended God by these things?

If you have suffered damage in these matters, diligently strive to replace it with gain. Repent so you don't fall into the same mistakes again.

Evening Prayer For Fellow Men

Father of all people! I commend all the people of the earth to your mighty protection. Everyone is in this world so that you may be glorified. Show them all your fatherly kindness, so that they may praise and honor you and keep your name holy. My friends, my benefactors, but also my enemies and adversaries may you bless.

Watch especially over my household and relatives! Your blessing is the best protection of this house. Have mercy on all suffering, sick, dying! All those who cannot find sleep in pain and distress of body and soul. Grant them, O Lord, your divine peace, so that all may find themselves in your praise and glorify you as Father and Lord of all creation. Amen

For An Examination Of Conscience In The Evening

Holy Spirit! May the light of your divine and unmistakable truth shine through my soul in this evening hour. In this light she should see bright and clear, so that no sins remain hidden from her, through which I have failed in your all-seeing eye. I want to recognize, confess and repent of these sins before my night's sleep, so that they can be nailed to the cross of Christ and die on it. Then you, Spirit of God, give peace to my soul. Amen.

Lay down at night as if you should be buried early in the morning, and get up in the morning as if you were to be buried at night. (Nicholas of Basel)

Nocturnal Thoughts

It's all dead around me. Everything is in a deep sleep. But you are there, you living one, always present, who neither sleeps nor slumbers. Even now, in the deadly stillness of the night, when every human eye closes, you see me awake. You hear my complaint where no ear of my friends hears. No, you haven't forgotten me. You are so good and I am quietly waiting for your help. Whatever happens to me, you are my consolation forever.

In this still night my eyes of the spirit are opened and I recognize your goodness even in what you do not give me. What a blessing is the sleep I can't find now. It is rest for the weary and salvation for the suffering, at least for a time. A thousand times in one life I have enjoyed this boon.

I've taken them for granted until now when I can't enjoy them. I never thanked you sincerely for that. And I probably wouldn't thank you even now if you didn't open my eyes to this gift by taking it away from me. Now you are alone in my mind's eye. Now I can remember you better than the noise of the day.

Now let me see the world from you, from your divine height and vantage point. What are the powerful of the world, what are all people before you? You lie there in a deep sleep. If you take their breath, then no one would wake up, no one would see the light again. But you protect them, the good and the bad. And tomorrow your sun will rise again over everyone.

You awaken people to see the glory of your works anew. And even if they fall asleep in death, you will wake them up again through Jesus Christ. Like the sunlight in the realm of spirits he is. He gives new life to which we can all be resurrected.

I too want to console myself with this kindness of yours. You have refreshments for me after the toils of this life, joys after suffering. You will put an end to my plague, and in the land of the blessed I will see your goodness. So I will not tremble, although I must wander in the dark valley. You are with me who can kill and bring to life, lead to the grave and out again to the dwelling place of light.

Now I feel lucky to have you, to believe in you and to be able to trust in you. One day all business in this world, all joy in this world will be over for me. And when all my friends can't follow me anymore, you'll be my only friend, my only possession. Now you should be my greatest friend, my greatest asset. If only I had always had you before my eyes every day of my life on earth! Why haven't I thought about you anymore?

Every day your kindness lay before me with such visible traces! Now you show yourself so close, and so often I have forgotten you! With you the night is as light as the day. And since I can't hide my sinfulness. I want to regret it, confess it and use this night for my self-knowledge.

Thou shalt pardon me again, bestow upon me the name of God's child again, and I shall not return to folly again. Jesus Christ, you have often prayed through the night. Here in the still of the night may God hear my promise: I want to live according to your holy will to the best of my ability. Whether I shall live longer or whether my end is near; I want to be and remain your child, almighty Father in heaven. Help me to be! Amen.