Little Stations of the Cross – Open my eyes to the school of suffering, then I can deal with what stands in the way of my life

Little Stations of the Cross from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

At The Beginning

My savior and redeemer, you want to take me with you on your difficult way of the cross. I know I can't say no if I want to be your disciple. In the cross is the greatest wisdom of life. If only I could recognize it! Open my eyes to the school of suffering. Then I'll learn how you love me. Then I will deal with the suffering that stands in the way of my life. Then it becomes a blessing to me and to all I am to wear it with. Yes, take me with you on your difficult path!

First Station

Jesus is sentenced to death

A characterless man judges you, and a maddened crowd demands your death. How calm are you! - How I get upset when I feel offended! Against alleged injustice! Lord, teach me to take injustice calmly upon myself!

Second Station

Jesus takes up the cross

What a terrible torture stick is the cross! And you take it with your arms outstretched. Hard crib and hard cross - beginning and end of your life! - With tears we come and with tears we leave life. Only with you all suffering is gain and merit. let me be with you always!

Third Station

Jesus falls for the first time

The cross is too heavy for you. Now it even pushes you to the ground. Scorn and mockery are poured out over you - O Lord, don't let me become hard on the poor. The cross of many people is much more oppressive and heavier than mine.

Fourth Station

Jesus meets his holy mother

This encounter between mother and son is infinitely bitter! And yet your mother silently brought you comfort. - You, Son of God, gave me the Sorrowful Mother to be my own mother. If sorrow and sorrow oppress me, she will understand me, she will help me!

Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross

You force some man to help you. He doesn't know you, just feels the shame. What help that will be! - In the last things I am alone too. If all help fails, you are with me. Help me, because without you I can't do anything.

Sixth Station

Veronica hands Jesus the sweat towel

A woman feels sorry for you. That makes her strong. She ignores the insults and helps you as best she can. - Fear of man is the enemy of manhood. So often I'm inferior to her. This strong woman is my example. Imprint your image on me too, your face with the crown of thorns.

Seventh Station

Jesus falls the second time

A second time the weight of the cross weighs you down on the rough road. And again you're pulled up. The lashes of the scourge burn terribly again! - The daily burden was often repugnant to me. I often wanted to escape from her, throw her off. I want to think of you and take up my cross every day.

Eight Station

Jesus meets the weeping women

The women pity you. But you see deeper. Their pity is useless if they do not admit their own guilt. - Of what use is it to me if I pity your suffering and try to excuse my own sins if I take them lightly! put, O Lord, repentance in my heart!

Ninth Station

Jesus falls for the third time

O Lord, you are utterly exhausted. Just the thought of us gives you superhuman strength to get up easily and take on the excess of pain. - In the deepest need of the soul you are the only salvation. No matter how hard I fall, help me, man of pain. Who better to help me than you?!

Tenth Station

Jesus is stripped of his clothes

You will not be spared this shame either. Now you have become very poor. A picture of misery! - Because of the shame of our sins you bear this shame. And there we are looking for comfort and air of the body!

Eleventh Station

Jesus is nailed to the cross

Now you lose the last freedom. You are helplessly chained. You revealed everything. - My stubbornness, my lust deserves to be nailed. I would gladly give them up to own you.

Twelfth Station

Jesus dies on the cross

You have given everything. You give your holy soul to the Father. Redeem the earth trembles at this final sacrifice. - What have I given you so far? Help me so that in my hour of death I can offer you a pleasing life sacrifice that love for you may be my last.

Thirteenth Station

Jesus is taken down from the cross

Your sacred body lies stiff and pale in your mother's womb. She understood everything. Now she has become the mother of all redeemed. - Give me Maria to be my mother! She knows me and understands me. She will also teach me to understand the mystery of your death.

Fourteenth Station

Jesus is laid in the tomb

As one puts the seed in the ground, so they bury you. From your death comes eternal life! Easter for all who carry the cross with you. I may receive your holy body and with it divine power. Holy Body of my Lord Jesus Christ, nourish my soul unto everlasting life!


You have given me divine knowledge, divine master! "Whoever wants to be my disciple, deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow me." I still lack a lot to carry the cross well. I thank you for this lesson. I too would like to say with calm courage: "It is finished!" Through your cross and suffering help me and every poor sinner! Amen.

The Savior's Lament on Good Friday

My people, what have I done to you? what do I grieve you with?

Answer me!

Because I delivered you from the land of Egypt, you made the cross for your Savior.

Because I led you through the desert for forty years, and fed you with manna, and brought you to a land rich and prosperous, you made the cross for your Savior.

What more should I have done to you and didn't? I planted you as my chosen vineyard. But you have made me bitter.

You gave me vinegar to drink when I was thirsty, you pierced your Savior's breast with your spear.

I struck Egypt because of you and its firstborn. And you scourged and betrayed me.

I quench your thirst with water from the rock. And you gave me gall and vinegar to drink.

I smote the kings of the Canaanites because of you. And you hit my head with the reed. I have exalted you with great power. And you hung me on the cross.

My people, what have I done to you? What did I grieve you with?

Answer me!