Peace Prayer to the Holy Father Brother Klaus – Saved the homeland from imminent destruction

Peace prayer to the Holy Father Brother Klaus from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

Holy Brother Klaus, glory and honor of our homeland! In all dangers that beset the peoples of the earth and also threaten our country and people, we trustingly take refuge in your intercession. Our fathers trusted in you, the mighty helper, in all the cares of the country and the people.

Holy father of the land, just as you once united the divided leaders in Stans (city in Switzerland) with your wise word of peace, freed your homeland from the impending doom and saved our fatherland from enemy invasions in two world wars with your prayer for peace, so look down from heaven in our days of great danger to the fatherland.

Great Peacemaker, invoke the God of Peace to keep the horrors of war from our homeland. Pray for our people, that in guilty gratitude they may serve their Lord and God with greater fidelity, cherish the true faith, keep moral purity spotless, uphold the fear of God and righteousness in private and public life. Pray also to all other peoples of the earth for peace and unity.

So that we may be all the more worthy of your intercession, we pray with the deepest devotion of our hearts that prayer in which you have placed all your great soul and piety;

My Lord and my God, take from me everything that prevents me from coming to you!

My Lord and my God, give me everything that brings me to you!

My Lord and my God, take me and give me all yours!
