Parent Child Meditation – Father Child Meditation – Mother Child Meditation

Parent Child Meditation - Father-Child & Mother-Child

The Parent Child Meditation (father-child & mother-child) in the Honora Zen Monastery begins Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. and ends on Sunday at 1 p.m. The monastic setting can of course be adapted for the children.

Everyday life, the everyday spirit is the Way!


  • 18:30     Arrival

  • 19:15     (Parent: Meditation 3x 45min)

  • 22:00    Lights Out!


  • 05:00     Meditation (Parent)

  • 05:45     Breakfast

  • 07:00     Module

  • 12:00     Lunch

  • Free

  • 18:00     Lunch

  • 19:15     Meditation (Parent, 3x 45min)

  • 22:00     Lights Out!


  • 05:00     Meditation (Parent)

  • 05:45     Breakfast

  • 07:00    Module

  • 10:00     Holy Mass (cath. Church)

  • 12:00     Lunch

  • 13:00    End

Parent Child Meditation - Father Child Meditation - Mother Child Meditation

Modules - Not Selectable

Modules are not selectable: Day-long hiking (in all weather conditions), household, cooking, meditation, gardening, etc. Every Sunday we attend Mass at the local church. The daily schedule may vary.


Etiquette - How to Train your Dragon!

Etiquette is a behavior and rule that provides a framework so that one's own words and actions can be consciously carried out and processed and shows that one is under control. Life in the Zen monastery is physically and mentally challenging. The monks and nuns are happy to share temple life with you. If you cannot adapt to the rules, leave the monastery immediately. We eat what is served (dairy products, grains, vegetables, meat, fish, etc.). There are no exceptions!


FAQ - The Monastic Regime!

Here you will find the frequently asked questions and answers (faq). In the monastic regime, where life is strictly organized, humor is a welcome relief and an opportunity for obtaining mutual understanding and camaraderie in the monastery.

Costs - Oblationen


  • 250 CHF / Weekend

  • 50 CHF / Child above 12 Years


All oblations are in Swiss Francs (CHF). No refund (shortterm stay). Donation page

Parent Child Meditation - Father Child Meditation - Mother Child Meditation

Meditation - Father Child - Mother Child Weekend

Life & death is the big thing, be alert, because everything is fleeting and passes quickly, time waits for no one. A thousand paths lead to the gateless barrier; once through and you are free from life and death.

MEDITATION is very difficult in our time because we are aimless and divided. Meditating means that you first penetrate your own shadow and then dive into the deep, chaotic and dark source. Breathe deeply and think the unthinkable. Sit like a mountain and penetrate into the depths of the depths so that your true self awakens. Then the fire phoenix with its thousand-colored plumage can rise again from the ashes


Registration - You are Welcome!

Please read the etiquette and the most important questions and answers about your stay carefully. Use the contact form or call us to find out if there are still vacancies.

Parent Child Meditation - Father Child Meditation - Mother Child Meditation



Honora Zen Kloster
Ussbergstrasse 26
8864 Reichenburg

Tel: 078 408 10 89